Sunday, May 26, 2013


355 Verily, then ,.. In truth

356 Viewed3 on this basis and perspective etc.

357 Viz.. namely, ,,, ( full form : videlicit. )


358. We Must conclude that etc.

359 When etc happened etc

360. Whatever the reason

361 What is really important, is etc,

362. What, then ,is etc?,,, ask question

363 What, for example could be more etc.

364 What so ever,.. emphasizes negative

365When one considers etc.

366 Whereas because, in contrast this being so

367 Whereupon,… at which point when

368 Whether, ,or not,,,,.. Alternatives

369 While etc, .exists, . Whereupon during this time

370 Whoever etc. everyone, anyone.

371. Whom then? Question

372 Why , then. Question

X,,, Mr x.

373 Mr, X’s paper (see books)

374 X acknowledges etc.

375 X, a fifty year old etc,

376 .X a man from etc.

377 X, a ( occupation, , policeman etc, finds himself etc)

378 X, the protagonist ,, hero, heroine, who etc, actions.

379 X , who has written many ( see books ) etc.

380 X is a prolific writer ( see author, folder 12

Four hundred comments.., positive and negative


381 Yet, but, however, while

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