Sunday, June 16, 2013


For the word ‘BOOK.’

431. A tirade ( intemperate, vituperative speech , writing) 431 Una diatriba Imtempeae vituperativepeech escritura )

432 A tissue of lies( many falsehoods ) 432 Un tejido de mentires ( muchas falsities )

433 A tragedy (serious ending fate disaster ) 433 Una tragadedia (finAL SERIA DEASTRE )

434 A translation ( an interpretation ) 434 Una traducing( interpretacion )

435. Trash, ( cheap inferior work) 435 Basura ( barato trabajo inferior )

436 A travesty ( debased, distorted imitation ) 436 Unm travesty ( ( imitacion degraded distorsiones )

437 Treachery, act of treason, ;perfidy ) 437 Perfidia de traicion comodad al enemigo )

438 Treason.( betrayal, comfort to enemy ) 438Traicion ( ( traicion conodidad al enemigo )

439 Trial and error ( retrial until correct ) 439 Ensayo y error ( neu juicio hasta correcto )

440 . Triptych ( Three pictures side by side ) 440 Triptych ( ( tres fotos , lado a lado )

441 Trivia ( insignificant unimportant matter ) 441 Trivia ( asunto insignificante , sin importance )

442. Trumpery ( trickery , rubbish nonsense ) 442 Trumpery (basura de enganos , nonsensece )

443 . Turn about ( reverse , opposite views, convictions ) 443Tum sobre ( verse frente a vistas )

444 Untruth ( lie, falsehood prevarication ) 444 Mentira ( mentira false dad prevaracion )


445 Vacuity ( emptiness dearth of substance ) 445 Vacuidad ( vacio falta oe sustancia )

446 Variance ( different form change in meaning ) 446 Varience ( diferente forma , cambio de sentido )

447Variation ( change , in meaning , form) 447 Varacion ( canbio de significado formulario )

448. Vaticination of foretelling., prophesizing) 448 Ratiocination ( profundo respeto prophesiaing )

449. Veneration, ( profound respect, adoration ) 449 Veneracion ) profundo respeto adoracion )

450. Verbatim ( in the exact words, word for word ) 450 Literales en las palabras exactas )

451 Verbosity ( use of too many words ) 451 Verbosidad ( Uso de demasiadas palabras )

452 Verisimilitude ( having the appearance of truth ) 452 Verosilitud ( tener la aparamecia de verdad )

453 A verity ( a true fact or statement ) 453 Un verity ( un hecho verdadero o declaracion )

454. Verse ( stanza, writing, poem, ) 454 Un verso ( estrofa , escrito, poema)

455/ Version , ( One’s conclusions, opinions ) 455 Un version ( las conclusiones 9 opiniones )

456 Vituperation ( abusive speech, writing berates ) 456 Pesar discurso abusho, scribed que reprenda )

458 A volley ( a burst of remarks against foe ) 457 Refaga de voley de observaiones , a favor o en contro )

459 A vulgarism ( coarse, improper unrefined .speech ) 458 Un vulgarian ( grueso inadequate, unrefined discurso )


460 A warning ( notification of danger .) 460 Una adverencia de peligro )

461 The warp and woof ( style of construction weaving ) 461 de estilo de construccion trjiendo la fraana etc )

462.Watxch cry, watchword ( maxim secret password ) 462 Grito de reloj (consigna , maximcontrasina secreta )

463 A warranty ( a guarantee ) 463 Una garantia (g garantia )

464 Weasel words,( two faced purposefully ambiguous) 464 Weasel words ( dos ante deliberadanent amnbigua )

345 A web ( a complex network, carefully woven ) 464 Una web ) una red compleja cuidad osamente ) fejida )


346 Yellow journalism Scandalous , sensationally distorted.

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