Sunday, June 16, 2013



101. A cliff-hanger - ( suspenseful melodrama )

102. A close-up.( Very intimate detailed review)

103. A closure ( brought to end, finish )

104.A clue. ( given fact which infers . Guides )

105. A coda, ( system of laws, rules. )

106. A codex, ( book of laws, canons )

107.A collage,( assorted articles, pasted together/ )

108. A collation ( group of articles collected )

109. A collocation ( set, or rearrange order of words. )

110. A combination ( composed of several, joined )

111A commendation. ( message of good will. Approval )

112. A comment ( A critical note or remark.

113 A commentary ( treatise, explanation narrative,

114. A communication,( exchange of ideas, correspondence)

115.A comparison,( statement of relative likeness , difference )

116.A compendium,( a brief, comprehensive summary )

117A compilation( gathered information various sources )

118.A composition (literary, artistic writing)

119.A computation (a calculation )

120.Concinnity ( skillfully put together., elegance of design)

121. A conclusion, ( end ,, final judgment )122.

122 A concordance,( alphabetical index ,principal words )

123. A condensation ( abridgement, of making concise)

124. A confirmation, ( a proving of the truth )

125 A conflation ( from diverse sourced brought together)

126.A connotation (a suggestion , implication, implied )

127, A consensus/ (collective opinion, general agreement)

128 A conspectus,( a general view of a subject )

130 The contents. ( materials, articles, subjects in book )

131.A contention ( idea held, arguments for, against, )

132. A context, ( which conveys full meaning )

133, The contour. ( outline, shape , as of an idea)

134.A contribution, ( writings furnished for publication )

135. A copy,( A publication, duplication, )

136 The core ( important part, center )

137. A cornucopia, ( superabundance, horn of plenty )

138. The corpus. ( body of knowledge )

139. A correspondence 9 communication with letters )

140 A corollary .( proposition already proven )

141 A coup de grace. ( A decisive finishing blow, )

142 A course ( study plan,, educational instruction )

143 A craft.( skill in planning, writing, to gain an end

144 The credentials.(proof of statements . Papers etc. )

145, A credo, ( any belief, proclamation of faith )

146 A criterion ( standard for judgment. )

147.A cross reference( for information several places)

148.The crux, ( essential part )

149. A cryptogram (communication in code, cipher

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