Author Neg. 106 to 150
106 He reaches dramatically ( in startling and attention-getting ways. )opposite conclusions about etc. than X, who is prone to ect. and colorful assertions.
107.He wrongfully places unquestioned reliance X’s analysis and conclusions.
108. He states “ etc,” One wantd to ask, “ what etc, and how does etc?”
109. His assertions about etc, are compounded by his pseudo ( not genuine, )
110. His philosophies ( personal beliefs, attitudes, principles ) are based on unrelated findings ; he neglects to etc.
111, His questions remain unanswered. And his ..ic issues are never explored.
112. One might quickly, and rightly quarrel with A’s interpretation of etc.
113 He speculates that X is etc, Y is etc. and Z is etc.
114. He finds solace ( comfort in sorrow ) however fleeting in the myth that etc.
115 He sums up, majestically. ( sublimely, grandly ) “ I have concluded that, etc, “ or, “ in my judgment, etc. “
116. He advances the argument that etc, This charge is invidious , ( prompted by envy, ill-will,) because it perpetuates ( makes something last) the myth ( false belief ) that etc,. We must vehemently ( with conviction ) disagree with etc,
117 Unfortunately , his assessments of X is marred by a variety of half truths and unsubtle ( blunt) biases ( unfair preferences )/
118. He claims that X is etc, and also suggests that etc,
119. He seems adrift in a stormy sea of .. ic ideas as he attempts to ‘plumb the depths ‘ ( find the bottom answers, explore ) and he eventually sinks in a maelstrom ( violent condition, whirlpool )
120. Some of the ( arguments, evidence et. that X marshals in pursuit of his belief that etc,. are less than overpowering.
121. He makes this extraordinary statement at the opening, “ etc “
122 Few of his arguments are persuasive; he does not use logic to convince one of etc.
123. He adds very little to one‘s understanding of etc.
124. He makes too many one-sided claims.
125.But too many of his recommendations and proposals fail, For example ,
126, His accounts of etc, and etc, are made murky ( hard to see through , hazy absurd .) by the remote and trite (overused ) speculations on the subject of etc.
127. This, then is merely one man’s point of view; in my opinion it is a fallacious ( false idea,) piece of reasoning.
128.His (see metaphors for ’books) is a biased,( prejudiced ) and impudently (offensively behavioral action ) repetition of lies and misquotes,
129. She is a veritable ’prophet’ of doom; a Cassandra ( a female prophet of negatives, gloom and failure, never to be believed ) who issues constant predictions of etc.
130 Is incorrect in her assertion that etc,
131 He is obviously ignorant of the fact that etc.
132.Her primary point that etc. etc. is patently( plainly, obviously) incorrect, X is not etc.
133 His starry-eyed (naively idealistic ) naivete ( simple, trusting as innocence ) is suspect.
134 He worms his way out of this etc. by blithely ( casually, cheerfully) claiming that etc.
135. He has a distorted view of etc, and is simply wrong about etc.
136.He indulges ( allows self-enjoyment, merriment ) sweeping generalizations ( vaguely stated but unverified truths)
137 It is a matter of incontrovertible history ( cannot be argued about, certain truth ) that he has misrepresented etc.
138.He has a talent for hyperbole ( obvious exaggeration ) and for making unsupported allegations
139. He is obviously concerned only with lining his pockets
140 Regretfully, he argues with X’s claim that etc, and he swipes at those who etc.
141. He curries the favor of( seeks the praise of, ) etc, by arguing that etc.
142 He does not address the pressing issue of ’ what constitutes a etc.’
143 He seems preoccupied (gives full attention to ) the delusions (false beliefs ) that etc.
144 He is not too scrupulous ( upright, moral, punctilious ( careful about correct behavior, ) about his etc that etc )
145 He is guileful ( cunning, crafty ) with the presentation of his ( argument, reason ) and slippery with the facts about etc.
146 He seems to overlook one important issue; namely: X;s etc,
147, He provokes discussion in ( liberal, conservative) circles with his ideas on etc, ism .
148. His psychology ( mental makeup, convictions ) seems to be from school-book etc to questionable sources ; not to any practical experience in the field of etc,
149 He has misjudged X badly,
150 He maligns ( speaks ill-favoredly of, defames, maliciously ) X’s credibility ( Worthy of belief )
151. He makes the intemperate ( severe, excessive ) claim that etc.
152. He has no pangs (sudden emotional or moral suffering ) of conscience about his claim that etc.
153 He lacks the dutiful regard for the truth, which is necessary for the presentation of a proposition convincingly.
154 He rationalizes ( favorably reasons ) his proposal with old shibboleths ( sayings,) slogans, and cant ( hypocritical talk, clichés, jargon, insincere speech argot .)
155. He subsumes ( includes, lists , places in a class, includes. ) and neutralizes ( renders inactive.
156. He vaticinates ( predicts, prophesises ) about the essence of etc ism .
157 He has asserted etc, in the naïve (unsophisticated ) belief that etc.
158 His ultra-critical etc. Is unwarranted . ( see metaphors for book)
159 By the perverse (inexplicably irrational, contrary) logic that etc, he concludes that etc.
160. His account of the event is fleckedi with error and distortion
IN Spanish edition:.
160Su naracion del evento es jaspeado con error y distorsion.
In French edition:
160. Son recit de l’ evenement est parsene d erreur et
Monday, April 29, 2013
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