Monday, April 22, 2013

Author positive

Folder 30 100 t0 150

Personality positive


100,He brings X alive-- immensely alive-- as he so meticulously ( precisely, painstakingly, ) details all etc.

101. He amasses all of X’s scattered writings together; also his propensity for lyric poetry, his learning, and also his prowess as a et, ,,,,izer.

102. He brings us a closer, clearer understanding of a remarkable (worthy of note) day and time.

103 He writes with clarity and sureness about abstruse( difficult to comprehend, understand ) matters.

104, He wonderfully evokes ( calls up, as memories etc ) the spirit of etc .

105. He shows Mr. X in a new, etc, etc., light .

106. His characters are constantly convincing.

107.With insight (perceptiveness, vision.) and skill, he weaves the warp and woof ( the threads which are woven into a cloth or a picture or ornamental rug tapestry) of his ‘(see books)’there are three hundred similes, metaphors, tropes, clichés, analogies.--one of which shall precisely, perfectly.--exactly-- define his work.( the Thesaurus lists a few physical descriptions of ‘Book’.

108. He has judiciously ( wisely, with good judgment ) collected facts and figures and has definitely proven that etc.

109, H.H conclusions are thoughtful, succinct ( concise, brief ) precise, pointed, ( made with emphasis ( stresses importance ) and provocative.

110. He opens windows of understanding on etc problems, and gives us a vivid (colorful ) and coherent ( with logic, reasonable ) picture of X, a gregarious ( fond of company and people ) man.

111. He writes with ease and elegance( style, good taste, forceful stirring language) when writing in the first person, ( use of ‘I‘, or ‘ Me’ ) forcing us to know exactly through whose eyes we are looking .

112 He has researched etc, with a scholar’s eye and care, and he writes punctiliously(scrupulously, very precise, morally correct, painstakingly.)about etc.

113 He has done an outstanding service to literature.

114. His, her, observations about etc, are particularly acute.( perceptive, sharp.)

115 He has succeeded admirably on drawing upon his own experiences as an etc.

116, He takes us from the nadir ( lowest point) of etc, life, to the heights of etc.

117. He has (see writers verbs, pos. ) an intensely gripping plot .

118 He has a firm grasp on the subject; his research is impeccable.(no blemish.)

119 Like a lawyer, he assembles the facts and sources; assesses the evidence; appraises the pros and cons , and then prepares his rebuttal ( to deny truth of charges ) with questions like, “ Who etc? “How etc?. He then casts doubt upon the motives, credulity etc. He then makes his case for the defense and concludes.

120. His humorous comments make delightful reading and spur one on to entertaining thoughts that --someday,-- someday, ..etc. Then, one imagines oneself as an etc.

121 So vivid ( bright, clear, fresh brilliant ) are the descriptions the characters, and the environment, that one senses that one can actually smell the orange blossoms and the jasmine .

122 He takes an apercu ( glance, insight perception ) into the mysterious etc.

123 He intelligently addresses( speaks of, writes of) the pressing problems of etc, and offers solutions that make sense.

124. He has stirred the emotions , sympathies of millions of … ists who etc.

125, He captures the situations, the surroundings , the joyous atmosphere which has made all who have ever been so fortunate to etc.

126. His etc. etc. acumen ( sharpness of mind shrewdness, perspicacity) must be applauded

127 His arguments are well conceived, powerfully argued, and finally convincing.

128. He adds new dimensions to the long-held, age-old tenets ( ideas accepted as truths. )

129. One is inner-smile, warmed by his humorous ( see books ) of the time etc.

130.There is the thrill of triumph as he captures a beautiful thought into etc words that shall live forever.

131. He reaches the heights of elegance ( refined good taste ) in his remarkable ( see books )

132 He casts a curious eye at etc,. and he poses some inquisitive rhetorical ( no answer expected) questions which have no etc.

133, She backs her contentions, ( words of debate, strife, for or against ) with an impressive array of proof etc..

134 He has set himself the task of building up, detail by detail, a believable , consistent picture of everyday life at etc.

135 He wittily details such esoterica ( things known only to a few as in medicine ,science etc. ) as how, when and why etc .


136. He skillfully explores the psychological (of the mind ) ramifications

(branches, subdivisions) of etc, and is interested in the reactions of those who etc.

137 He recounts his conversations with those who have had etc ( see superlatives)

138 . He has effectively detailed the extent to which etc., will go to etc.

139 He presents us with some urbane ( suave, affable, refined ) well-considered, reflections ( thoughts) about the state of people who etc,

140 He broaches ( introduces as a subject) the matter of etc.

141.His research is thorough and imaginative, his conclusions are interesting and plausible ( likely to be true)

142.He compares the theories ( proposed, but unverified versions ) of x and y

143 And he wisely observes that etc.

144 He chronicles ( records, narrates in order of time) day by day, year by year the changes that have etc,

145. His arguments are practical and simple.

146. He gives demi-graphic( partly drawn or described ) evidence that etc. actually has the ability to etc.

147 He provides a plethora ( super abundance, excess, fullness ) of reasons for etc, with erudition.( of learning)

148 He has delved into (has done extensive, laborious research, digging into) old but available documents and records, to provide a readable, accurate, authentic study of etc.

149. He states the case for etc, far more convincing than ever.

150.He has many cogent ( compels belief, convincing) things to say about etc, and the need for etc.

151He has the knowledge, the ability, and the information to present this (see books) clearly and thoroughly.

152 He intelligently summarizes (gives short version) the various aspects of etc.

153. He is objective, ( with good aim, free of prejudice not personal, )analytical, (examines critically ) emphatic, ( with stress upon ) and empathetic, ( he cares )

154He researches, compares, analyzes and etc. the problems of etc.

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