Sunday, May 26, 2013
1. Accordingly, suitably, thus , therefore, consequently.
2.Actuallu, As a matter of fact really, truly essentially..
3. Additionally moreover, furthermore
4. Admittedly ,.. Acknowledge, declared disclosed.
5. After all. Finally, in the end in spite of everything. , ..
6. Albeit,, not withstanding, even though even if.
7 Allegedly .., supposedly, purportedly , no proof.
8 Allowedly, by general allowance,, admittedly.
9 All the same, notwithstanding.
10. All told, When all are counted. Finally.
11. Although despite the fact that, even if , while.
12, Apparently,.. Obviously, seemingly.
13 Apropos,.. Preposition in regard to
14. Apropos adverb incidentally . By the way, .
15. Au contraire, .. (French word ) on the contrary,
16. Barring excepting thst , apart from.
17. Because of .,.. For the reason that, on account if.
18. Besides. Other than
19. But,.. Yet, on the o e hand stoll
20. By all means.. Certainly, on every count
21 By and large,.. Generally speaking,
22. Bye the bye.,.. Incidently, by the way.
23. Certainly.
24. Concerning,..
25,Consequentially ,..
26.Confessedly ..
27. Consider etc,
28 Contrary to . .. On the contrary on other hand.
29 Despite ,.. Notwithstanding in spite of
30. Doubtless, .. Unquestionably. Confident, certain.
31..Elementsry to, basic, fundamental rudimentary
32 Ergo,.. Therefore, hence
33 , As expected, .
34.Especially, .. Preeminently , noticeable .
35 ,Essentially, .. Basically , actually, substantially.
36. Ever so often, once in a while now and then
37. Finally, In the end, ultimately.
38, Forsooth . In truth, certainly, chief;y ironically.
39, Germane. In close relationship to relevant.
H .
40. Hence, .. Consequently , therefore,
41 Henceforth ,. From this time On
42 Hereinafter , in a subsequent part of this document
43 Hereof about this, because of this.
44. Hereupon following this,
45. Herewith ,.. Along with this,
46. How then, To what degree
47 However, Yet, Still,
48,/Howsoever, in what manner,.
123. From all evidence, one must etc.
124 But the fact of the matter is etc.
125 There are factors which,… other influences
126An important factor etc.
127 Finally, etc. ,.. in conclusion
128, The following are etc.
129 For all intents and purposes. Reasons
130 For example, .. As an instance illustration
131 For instance, ..explanation, example
132 Frequently, ,.. Often.
133 From this humble etc beginning, etc
134 Furthermore,,.. In addition to, also
135. Generally speaking,
136 Under the guise of,.. Deceptive appearance.
137 Graphic details,…vividly detailed
138 Granted, ,… Although it is true,
139 Give, or take, within a range, just about.
140 Generally .speaking.,.. on the whole, vaguely
141One generalization etc. sweeping statement
142, Hardly any, not likely,.
143 Hence, ,… consequently,, for this reason144.
144 Henceforth, from then on
145 Hereinafter, later written in this document.
146 Heretofore, before this time,.
147 Hereupon, When this happened,
148 Herewith,.. Starting here, now
149 Historically, viewed . In retrospect,.
150 Hitherto,.. Before this,
151 How then, does one etc.?
152 However Yet, . , not withstanding
153. I believe that etc.
154 Ideally, theoretically perfect.
155 If we assume etc.
156 Imagine for a moment that etc.
157 Implied, in this etc is inferred as fact
158 Implicit,… not stated, but understood.
159 The impact of this etc. strong effect.
160 Important factors to be considered are etc.
161. In addition to etc,,… also.
162 Indubitably,,…not to be doubted.
163 Inevitably,.. something certain to happen.
164 In the forefront, At the start. Lead position.
165, Jn the year 1900 ec.
166 In addition to etc.
123. From all evidence, one must etc.
124 But the fact of the matter is etc.
125 There are factors which,… other influences
126An important factor etc.
127 Finally, etc. ,.. in conclusion
128, The following are etc.
129 For all intents and purposes. Reasons
130 For example, .. As an instance illustration
131 For instance, ..explanation, example
132 Frequently, ,.. Often.
133 From this humble etc beginning, etc
134 Furthermore,,.. In addition to, also
135. Generally speaking,
136 Under the guise of,.. Deceptive appearance.
137 Graphic details,…vividly detailed
138 Granted, ,… Although it is true,
139 Give, or take, within a range, just about.
140 Generally .speaking.,.. on the whole, vaguely
141One generalization etc. sweeping statement
142, Hardly any, not likely,.
143 Hence, ,… consequently,, for this reason144.
144 Henceforth, from then on
145 Hereinafter, later written in this document.
146 Heretofore, before this time,.
147 Hereupon, When this happened,
148 Herewith,.. Starting here, now
149 Historically, viewed . In retrospect,.
150 Hitherto,.. Before this,
151 How then, does one etc.?
152 However Yet, . , not withstanding
153. I believe that etc.
154 Ideally, theoretically perfect.
155 If we assume etc.
156 Imagine for a moment that etc.
157 Implied, in this etc is inferred as fact
158 Implicit,… not stated, but understood.
159 The impact of this etc. strong effect.
160 Important factors to be considered are etc.
161. In addition to etc,,… also.
162 Indubitably,,…not to be doubted.
163 Inevitably,.. something certain to happen.
164 In the forefront, At the start. Lead position.
165, Jn the year 1900 ec.
166 In addition to etc.
167.. In any case.. … any situation
168 In any event ,,, any situation
169 In a word, …briefly, in short.
179 In as much as, .. All considered. To a degree.
180 In brief,, short
181 Incidentally,.. By the way, by chance.
182 Incredible as it may seem.
183. In effect,,. .fact, reality truth
184 Indeed, in fact , what is more.
185 In essence.. Fundamentally intrinsically
186 In fact, it is true
187 In general ,,, not specific,
188 In light of the fact that ,.. Knowing beforehand
189 In lieu of ,instead, of, in place of
190 Initially , At first, beginning,
191 Interestingly enough, not boring
192 In other words, .. Different explanation
193 In regard to , , Concerning, about
194. In some cases
195 In my opinion,
196 In this sense etc, one opinion
197 In spite of,,,,not withstanding
198 In view of the fact …knowing the facts
199 In the final analysis . Last conclusion
200 In the interim.. meanwhile, between n events
201 Ipse dixit… ( he himself has said it,)
202 Ipso facto,.. By the fact itself.
203 Ironically, Appears contradictory
204 Irrespective of ,.. Without taking consideration of
205, It has been established that . Already proven.
206 It is often said, etc.
307. It is a sad commentary , regret worthy opinion
208. It is important to understand et
209 It is pointless to etc no advantage
210 It would seem that supposedly
211 Just as etc,. so does, will etc. act, happen.
212 Knowing wtc, one can ,may etc.
213. Last of all, finally.
214 Largely, because of etc. ..predominantly
215 Let it be said, however.
216 Like a fresh breeze blowing, one etc,, relief
217 The likelihood , probability of
218 Likewise, In the same manner
167.. In any case.. … any situation
168 In any event ,,, any situation
169 In a word, …briefly, in short.
179 In as much as, .. All considered. To a degree.
180 In brief,, short
181 Incidentally,.. By the way, by chance.
182 Incredible as it may seem.
183. In effect,,. .fact, reality truth
184 Indeed, in fact , what is more.
185 In essence.. Fundamentally intrinsically
186 In fact, it is true
187 In general ,,, not specific,
188 In light of the fact that ,.. Knowing beforehand
189 In lieu of ,instead, of, in place of
190 Initially , At first, beginning,
191 Interestingly enough, not boring
192 In other words, .. Different explanation
193 In regard to , , Concerning, about
194. In some cases
195 In my opinion,
196 In this sense etc, one opinion
197 In spite of,,,,not withstanding
198 In view of the fact …knowing the facts
199 In the final analysis . Last conclusion
200 In the interim.. meanwhile, between n events
201 Ipse dixit… ( he himself has said it,)
202 Ipso facto,.. By the fact itself.
203 Ironically, Appears contradictory
204 Irrespective of ,.. Without taking consideration of
205, It has been established that . Already proven.
206 It is often said, etc.
307. It is a sad commentary , regret worthy opinion
208. It is important to understand et
209 It is pointless to etc no advantage
210 It would seem that supposedly
211 Just as etc,. so does, will etc. act, happen.
212 Knowing wtc, one can ,may etc.
213. Last of all, finally.
214 Largely, because of etc. ..predominantly
215 Let it be said, however.
216 Like a fresh breeze blowing, one etc,, relief
217 The likelihood , probability of
218 Likewise, In the same manner
.219, Mainly, principally , chiefly.
220 It is a manifestation,.. Sign being shown
221 Meanwhile, In the interim , meantime.
222 Merely because, etc. minimum reason.
223 Mr X states etc.
224 More amazingly. Barely believable
225. Moreover, ,besides this , furthermore.
226 Namely, .. Specifically, viz.
227. Naturally, as expected, realistically
228 Necessarily …inevitably, unavoidably
229. Needless to say, unnecessarily
230 Neither , excludes both
231. Nevertheless,,.. In spite of that,
232 Nevermore , shall we etc.. never again
233 For the nonce, . Present time
244 Nor shall we etc.
245. Normally,,, usually, occurring naturally
246, Not only that but, etc.
247, Not withstanding not objecting
249 Not surprisingly, not unexpectedly
250. Nowadays,. At present time,
251 Oddly enough, unusual irregular
252 Objectively, unbiased view, unprejudiced.
253 Obviously, It is clear that apparently
254 Often, etc.
255 On Oct. 1 1900 etc.
256 On the main … largely in general
257 Of course, without question
258 On this particular time etc.
259 One might say that etc.
260 One may wonder etc.
261 One question which needs etc
262 On the contrary, , conflicting facts.
263 On no account, ,, cannot be accepted,.
264 On the one hand ,,, one view vs. Another.
265. On one side of the coin . One’s choice.
266 On one side of the ledger.. Take choice.
267 On the basis of previously proven etc.
268 On the obverse ( other side ) of the coin
269 On one occasion ,,,at one time.
270 On the ( positive, negative ) side etc.
271 On the whole, as a rule, generally speaking
272 One point upon which all are forced to agree
273 Ordinarily .. Normally, usually
274 Originally, . At first, innovating
275 Otherwise. , or else
.219, Mainly, principally , chiefly.
220 It is a manifestation,.. Sign being shown
221 Meanwhile, In the interim , meantime.
222 Merely because, etc. minimum reason.
223 Mr X states etc.
224 More amazingly. Barely believable
225. Moreover, ,besides this , furthermore.
226 Namely, .. Specifically, viz.
227. Naturally, as expected, realistically
228 Necessarily …inevitably, unavoidably
229. Needless to say, unnecessarily
230 Neither , excludes both
231. Nevertheless,,.. In spite of that,
232 Nevermore , shall we etc.. never again
233 For the nonce, . Present time
244 Nor shall we etc.
245. Normally,,, usually, occurring naturally
246, Not only that but, etc.
247, Not withstanding not objecting
249 Not surprisingly, not unexpectedly
250. Nowadays,. At present time,
251 Oddly enough, unusual irregular
252 Objectively, unbiased view, unprejudiced.
253 Obviously, It is clear that apparently
254 Often, etc.
255 On Oct. 1 1900 etc.
256 On the main … largely in general
257 Of course, without question
258 On this particular time etc.
259 One might say that etc.
260 One may wonder etc.
261 One question which needs etc
262 On the contrary, , conflicting facts.
263 On no account, ,, cannot be accepted,.
264 On the one hand ,,, one view vs. Another.
265. On one side of the coin . One’s choice.
266 On one side of the ledger.. Take choice.
267 On the basis of previously proven etc.
268 On the obverse ( other side ) of the coin
269 On one occasion ,,,at one time.
270 On the ( positive, negative ) side etc.
271 On the whole, as a rule, generally speaking
272 One point upon which all are forced to agree
273 Ordinarily .. Normally, usually
274 Originally, . At first, innovating
275 Otherwise. , or else
.219, Mainly, principally , chiefly.
220 It is a manifestation,.. Sign being shown
221 Meanwhile, In the interim , meantime.
222 Merely because, etc. minimum reason.
223 Mr X states etc.
224 More amazingly. Barely believable
225. Moreover, ,besides this , furthermore.
226 Namely, .. Specifically, viz.
227. Naturally, as expected, realistically
228 Necessarily …inevitably, unavoidably
229. Needless to say, unnecessarily
230 Neither , excludes both
231. Nevertheless,,.. In spite of that,
232 Nevermore , shall we etc.. never again
233 For the nonce, . Present time
244 Nor shall we etc.
245. Normally,,, usually, occurring naturally
246, Not only that but, etc.
247, Not withstanding not objecting
249 Not surprisingly, not unexpectedly
250. Nowadays,. At present time,
251 Oddly enough, unusual irregular
252 Objectively, unbiased view, unprejudiced.
253 Obviously, It is clear that apparently
254 Often, etc.
255 On Oct. 1 1900 etc.
256 On the main … largely in general
257 Of course, without question
258 On this particular time etc.
259 One might say that etc.
260 One may wonder etc.
261 One question which needs etc
262 On the contrary, , conflicting facts.
263 On no account, ,, cannot be accepted,.
264 On the one hand ,,, one view vs. Another.
265. On one side of the coin . One’s choice.
266 On one side of the ledger.. Take choice.
267 On the basis of previously proven etc.
268 On the obverse ( other side ) of the coin
269 On one occasion ,,,at one time.
270 On the ( positive, negative ) side etc.
271 On the whole, as a rule, generally speaking
272 One point upon which all are forced to agree
273 Ordinarily .. Normally, usually
274 Originally, . At first, innovating
275 Otherwise. , or else
.219, Mainly, principally , chiefly.
220 It is a manifestation,.. Sign being shown
221 Meanwhile, In the interim , meantime.
222 Merely because, etc. minimum reason.
223 Mr X states etc.
224 More amazingly. Barely believable
225. Moreover, ,besides this , furthermore.
226 Namely, .. Specifically, viz.
227. Naturally, as expected, realistically
228 Necessarily …inevitably, unavoidably
229. Needless to say, unnecessarily
230 Neither , excludes both
231. Nevertheless,,.. In spite of that,
232 Nevermore , shall we etc.. never again
233 For the nonce, . Present time
244 Nor shall we etc.
245. Normally,,, usually, occurring naturally
246, Not only that but, etc.
247, Not withstanding not objecting
249 Not surprisingly, not unexpectedly
250. Nowadays,. At present time,
251 Oddly enough, unusual irregular
252 Objectively, unbiased view, unprejudiced.
253 Obviously, It is clear that apparently
254 Often, etc.
255 On Oct. 1 1900 etc.
256 On the main … largely in general
257 Of course, without question
258 On this particular time etc.
259 One might say that etc.
260 One may wonder etc.
261 One question which needs etc
262 On the contrary, , conflicting facts.
263 On no account, ,, cannot be accepted,.
264 On the one hand ,,, one view vs. Another.
265. On one side of the coin . One’s choice.
266 On one side of the ledger.. Take choice.
267 On the basis of previously proven etc.
268 On the obverse ( other side ) of the coin
269 On one occasion ,,,at one time.
270 On the ( positive, negative ) side etc.
271 On the whole, as a rule, generally speaking
272 One point upon which all are forced to agree
273 Ordinarily .. Normally, usually
274 Originally, . At first, innovating
275 Otherwise. , or else
276.An important point to remember et.
277 Paradoxically…self contradictory. Absurd
278 Particularly important etc.
279 Peradventure,.. Perhaps chance
280 Perchance, by chance
281 Perforce of necessity, it must be.
282 Perhaps, it may be that etc. possible
283. A phenomenal possibility etc. extremely unusual
284 One postulation is etc. self evident truth,, (see BOOKS)
285 Primarily. Basically, fundamentally
286 Another possibility is the etc that etc.
287` Probably, as is likely to happen
289.The proposition may be ventured that etc.\
290 Provided that etc. On the condition that
291 Quite important is the etc. that
292 The question can be raised that if etc,
293It is a rank insult utter extreme
294 Rather than etc. contrary desire, preference.
295 It is this reasoning,.. Logical thinking
296 Regarding etc. about subject concerning
297. Regretfully, etc. feel show regret. sorrow
298 Reportedly, according to reports,
300 Research indicates that etc.
301 In retrospect, .. In contemplation of the past,
302 Should one then, act, decide etc. ?
303 Secondly. In the second place,
276.An important point to remember et.
277 Paradoxically…self contradictory. Absurd
278 Particularly important etc.
279 Peradventure,.. Perhaps chance
280 Perchance, by chance
281 Perforce of necessity, it must be.
282 Perhaps, it may be that etc. possible
283. A phenomenal possibility etc. extremely unusual
284 One postulation is etc. self evident truth,, (see BOOKS)
285 Primarily. Basically, fundamentally
286 Another possibility is the etc that etc.
287` Probably, as is likely to happen
289.The proposition may be ventured that etc.\
290 Provided that etc. On the condition that
291 Quite important is the etc. that
292 The question can be raised that if etc,
293It is a rank insult utter extreme
294 Rather than etc. contrary desire, preference.
295 It is this reasoning,.. Logical thinking
296 Regarding etc. about subject concerning
297. Regretfully, etc. feel show regret. sorrow
298 Reportedly, according to reports,
300 Research indicates that etc.
301 In retrospect, .. In contemplation of the past,
302 Should one then, act, decide etc. ?
303 Secondly. In the second place,
TRANSITION S.T.U. …… and IDEAS. For opening paragraphs
323 A study of etc has proven that et,c Imagine that you had to write a five hundred page essay
324 Suffice it to say, on the story of ‘ The Three Little Pigs,
325, Etc suggests that, etc
326Suggestive of etc., which brings to mind
327 A summary of ec. Short version. Of
328 Surely, without doubt certainly
329 Surprisingly, something unexpected.
330Synonomous with, closely significant, ,same
331 The solution is etc. finding of answer.
332, The important thing to etc’
333The essence of x’s argument is
334 The issue is clouded by etc.
335 The fact that etc clearly answers the etc
336 The intent of this report is to etc.
337 Then a miracle happened
338 The upshot of this . Final result
339 This, then is etc
340 Then began an interesting interlude,, e ents
341 Thenceforth from then on.
342There can be no doubt about etc.
343 Thereby, by this fact, connected with
344 Therein. Contained within this
345 Thereof. Of that subject.
346 Thereupon At that moment,
347 Though. Although, however,
348 The case of etc, is interesting
349 To everyone’s surprise,
350 To no surprise etc
351 These ,and similar phenomena etc.
352 A thronging , extremely efficient.
353 This all goes to prove etc.
354 This writer (I) is aware of etc
355 Throughout, for the duration,
356Thus, In this way, manner,
323 A study of etc has proven that et,c Imagine that you had to write a five hundred page essay
324 Suffice it to say, on the story of ‘ The Three Little Pigs,
325, Etc suggests that, etc
326Suggestive of etc., which brings to mind
327 A summary of ec. Short version. Of
328 Surely, without doubt certainly
329 Surprisingly, something unexpected.
330Synonomous with, closely significant, ,same
331 The solution is etc. finding of answer.
332, The important thing to etc’
333The essence of x’s argument is
334 The issue is clouded by etc.
335 The fact that etc clearly answers the etc
336 The intent of this report is to etc.
337 Then a miracle happened
338 The upshot of this . Final result
339 This, then is etc
340 Then began an interesting interlude,, e ents
341 Thenceforth from then on.
342There can be no doubt about etc.
343 Thereby, by this fact, connected with
344 Therein. Contained within this
345 Thereof. Of that subject.
346 Thereupon At that moment,
347 Though. Although, however,
348 The case of etc, is interesting
349 To everyone’s surprise,
350 To no surprise etc
351 These ,and similar phenomena etc.
352 A thronging , extremely efficient.
353 This all goes to prove etc.
354 This writer (I) is aware of etc
355 Throughout, for the duration,
356Thus, In this way, manner,
355 Verily, then ,.. In truth
356 Viewed3 on this basis and perspective etc.
357 Viz.. namely, ,,, ( full form : videlicit. )
358. We Must conclude that etc.
359 When etc happened etc
360. Whatever the reason
361 What is really important, is etc,
362. What, then ,is etc?,,, ask question
363 What, for example could be more etc.
364 What so ever,.. emphasizes negative
365When one considers etc.
366 Whereas because, in contrast this being so
367 Whereupon,… at which point when
368 Whether, ,or not,,,,.. Alternatives
369 While etc, .exists, . Whereupon during this time
370 Whoever etc. everyone, anyone.
371. Whom then? Question
372 Why , then. Question
X,,, Mr x.
373 Mr, X’s paper (see books)
374 X acknowledges etc.
375 X, a fifty year old etc,
376 .X a man from etc.
377 X, a ( occupation, , policeman etc, finds himself etc)
378 X, the protagonist ,, hero, heroine, who etc, actions.
379 X , who has written many ( see books ) etc.
380 X is a prolific writer ( see author, folder 12
Four hundred comments.., positive and negative
381 Yet, but, however, while
355 Verily, then ,.. In truth
356 Viewed3 on this basis and perspective etc.
357 Viz.. namely, ,,, ( full form : videlicit. )
358. We Must conclude that etc.
359 When etc happened etc
360. Whatever the reason
361 What is really important, is etc,
362. What, then ,is etc?,,, ask question
363 What, for example could be more etc.
364 What so ever,.. emphasizes negative
365When one considers etc.
366 Whereas because, in contrast this being so
367 Whereupon,… at which point when
368 Whether, ,or not,,,,.. Alternatives
369 While etc, .exists, . Whereupon during this time
370 Whoever etc. everyone, anyone.
371. Whom then? Question
372 Why , then. Question
X,,, Mr x.
373 Mr, X’s paper (see books)
374 X acknowledges etc.
375 X, a fifty year old etc,
376 .X a man from etc.
377 X, a ( occupation, , policeman etc, finds himself etc)
378 X, the protagonist ,, hero, heroine, who etc, actions.
379 X , who has written many ( see books ) etc.
380 X is a prolific writer ( see author, folder 12
Four hundred comments.., positive and negative
381 Yet, but, however, while
Friday, May 24, 2013
274a labyrinthine( complex, intricate passageways ,alleys )
275 A story of guile, greed, and incompetence.
276. It is a ( see books) of X,’s etc.\, journey through this life of self discovery, fraught (laden with, full of burdened with) surprises and the dangers of etc.
277. With a plethora ( superfluity of, excess of ) of drug-store psychoanalysis ( of treat mental and emotional disorders ,)
278 With a convoluted (tortuous ,winding involved intricate) plot
279. The plot is irrelevant , the main focus or intent is that the theory of etc is etc.
280. It is the sheerest of fiction through and through
281. There is no central theme; each chapter follows another like plodding etc s .
282. The (theme) evolves ( develops into, changes ) into a etc, with rich overtones of etc /
283, The premise ( something assumed, taken for granted .)seems to be a vague/ etc
284. A rehash of the ongoing debate about
285. This book is difficult and depressing reading . 286. The end result is an exhaustive study of etc, and one that does make exhaustive reading .
287,The book is not a text or a treatise, it is an extended personal essay in the self- etcing style , pointed, ironic ( sarcastic, direct opposite of that expected or intended ) academic, in the sense of learned , never intimidating, but always challenging .
288.It is so complex, it defies delineation.(accurately represent )
289 This (see book metaphors) purports to be an informative , discourse on an important issue, but is, in fact a grossly inaccurate, totally biased, and flagrantly , unfair etc,
290. Implicit in x;s etc argument is the fact that,
291 This etc, is laced with one-sided etc, etc, and etc.
292. he writing is pervaded by a sort of a plea for approval of
293. Seems to be an unruffled , narrow-minded view of etc/
294. Such a program spawns hunger, crime and a general etc
295. A new prophet of doom now has appeared to etc.
296.There are distinctive forces sweeping the country and no ec/
297.This etc, is a scenario ( Projected course of action script ) for disaster >
298. It poses the question * How does one man etc, ? “ and, “who etc.?”
299, It warns that we must face the specter ( spirit ,ghostly scene that perturbs the mind ) of the pervasive ( present everywhere at all parts,) of
300. An unsanctimonious (not hypocritically devout ) critical explanation of ec.
301. Of x’s odyssey ( long voyage and trip_) through the corruption and etc, of the senate.
302 .Hitherto ( before this ) unpublished reports on the Machiavellian ( unscrupulous political practices ) intrigues .
303. It is an indignant defense of etc .
304 A devastating inditement of etc
274a labyrinthine( complex, intricate passageways ,alleys )
275 A story of guile, greed, and incompetence.
276. It is a ( see books) of X,’s etc.\, journey through this life of self discovery, fraught (laden with, full of burdened with) surprises and the dangers of etc.
277. With a plethora ( superfluity of, excess of ) of drug-store psychoanalysis ( of treat mental and emotional disorders ,)
278 With a convoluted (tortuous ,winding involved intricate) plot
279. The plot is irrelevant , the main focus or intent is that the theory of etc is etc.
280. It is the sheerest of fiction through and through
281. There is no central theme; each chapter follows another like plodding etc s .
282. The (theme) evolves ( develops into, changes ) into a etc, with rich overtones of etc /
283, The premise ( something assumed, taken for granted .)seems to be a vague/ etc
284. A rehash of the ongoing debate about
285. This book is difficult and depressing reading . 286. The end result is an exhaustive study of etc, and one that does make exhaustive reading .
287,The book is not a text or a treatise, it is an extended personal essay in the self- etcing style , pointed, ironic ( sarcastic, direct opposite of that expected or intended ) academic, in the sense of learned , never intimidating, but always challenging .
288.It is so complex, it defies delineation.(accurately represent )
289 This (see book metaphors) purports to be an informative , discourse on an important issue, but is, in fact a grossly inaccurate, totally biased, and flagrantly , unfair etc,
290. Implicit in x;s etc argument is the fact that,
291 This etc, is laced with one-sided etc, etc, and etc.
292. he writing is pervaded by a sort of a plea for approval of
293. Seems to be an unruffled , narrow-minded view of etc/
294. Such a program spawns hunger, crime and a general etc
295. A new prophet of doom now has appeared to etc.
296.There are distinctive forces sweeping the country and no ec/
297.This etc, is a scenario ( Projected course of action script ) for disaster >
298. It poses the question * How does one man etc, ? “ and, “who etc.?”
299, It warns that we must face the specter ( spirit ,ghostly scene that perturbs the mind ) of the pervasive ( present everywhere at all parts,) of
300. An unsanctimonious (not hypocritically devout ) critical explanation of ec.
301. Of x’s odyssey ( long voyage and trip_) through the corruption and etc, of the senate.
302 .Hitherto ( before this ) unpublished reports on the Machiavellian ( unscrupulous political practices ) intrigues .
303. It is an indignant defense of etc .
304 A devastating inditement of etc
305.Seeks answers to these questions
Does etc. How can etc and where det.
306. These etc . offer the reader the opportunity to think out his own solutions clearly .
307 There are no easy solutions to these problems is the conclusions to etc,
308. So It is a sophomoric (conceited, specious reasoning ) overview of the history of etc.
309. It claims that the winds of change are blowing etc
310. It has the wry (Twisted, perversely, wrong headedness ,ironically humorous ) tone of a etc.
311.. It depicts x as indifferent to the cruelty, the needs and the sufferings of etc.
312. It is becoming increasingly maore ugly, more evident that things are etc.
313.It illuminates etc, problems more dramatically than we realize.
314. According to etc. X believes etc. Y claims that et and a. the predominant ist, insists that etc.
315.It is a massive, scathing inditement of , not only x, but of
y, plus Z and all of the etcs who .et,.
316.It is devoid of malice, but etcly blunt.
317. Foolish syllogisms ( myth reasoning deductive reasoning, as X is a virtue, Y is a virtue there z is a virtue,
318. Scurrilous ( given to coarse, evil , vulgar common ) lies, piled one on top of the other,
319 It is heavy with inaccuracies, and rampant with misinformation
320.Flagrantly` ( extremely conspicuously as evil ) irresponsible reportage.
321. Storms of controversy swirl around this socio-political ( see books )
322. A heated criticism of the long dominant view that etc has et
. A etc, of hypotheses and speculations .
323. A masterpiece of ambiguity( Doubtful, uncertain, two ways )
324. A supposedly scientific etc which bursts with personal anecdotes and etc recollections of the days when etc.
325. An unrelieved diatribe ( bitter abusive speech or writing )
326. A etc etc denunciation of etc/
327 This etc, should resolve the matter.
328. A etc list of gloomy statistics.
329. t is a travesty ( a based, distorted. Grossly inferior ) of justice That etc should etc.
340..Disruptive debate, bickering , in-fighting, resulting in controversial decisions
341. Time wasted in personal attacks , rather than positive ideas.
342. A etc which gives the reader a terrifying graphic description of etc,
343.This etc purports to give a etc overview of etc, but it is really two etcs, a plea on the defensive as well as etc.
344. It answers criticisms from extremists who claim, “ The future of etc is at stake.
305.Seeks answers to these questions
Does etc. How can etc and where det.
306. These etc . offer the reader the opportunity to think out his own solutions clearly .
307 There are no easy solutions to these problems is the conclusions to etc,
308. So It is a sophomoric (conceited, specious reasoning ) overview of the history of etc.
309. It claims that the winds of change are blowing etc
310. It has the wry (Twisted, perversely, wrong headedness ,ironically humorous ) tone of a etc.
311.. It depicts x as indifferent to the cruelty, the needs and the sufferings of etc.
312. It is becoming increasingly maore ugly, more evident that things are etc.
313.It illuminates etc, problems more dramatically than we realize.
314. According to etc. X believes etc. Y claims that et and a. the predominant ist, insists that etc.
315.It is a massive, scathing inditement of , not only x, but of
y, plus Z and all of the etcs who .et,.
316.It is devoid of malice, but etcly blunt.
317. Foolish syllogisms ( myth reasoning deductive reasoning, as X is a virtue, Y is a virtue there z is a virtue,
318. Scurrilous ( given to coarse, evil , vulgar common ) lies, piled one on top of the other,
319 It is heavy with inaccuracies, and rampant with misinformation
320.Flagrantly` ( extremely conspicuously as evil ) irresponsible reportage.
321. Storms of controversy swirl around this socio-political ( see books )
322. A heated criticism of the long dominant view that etc has et
. A etc, of hypotheses and speculations .
323. A masterpiece of ambiguity( Doubtful, uncertain, two ways )
324. A supposedly scientific etc which bursts with personal anecdotes and etc recollections of the days when etc.
325. An unrelieved diatribe ( bitter abusive speech or writing )
326. A etc etc denunciation of etc/
327 This etc, should resolve the matter.
328. A etc list of gloomy statistics.
329. t is a travesty ( a based, distorted. Grossly inferior ) of justice That etc should etc.
340..Disruptive debate, bickering , in-fighting, resulting in controversial decisions
341. Time wasted in personal attacks , rather than positive ideas.
342. A etc which gives the reader a terrifying graphic description of etc,
343.This etc purports to give a etc overview of etc, but it is really two etcs, a plea on the defensive as well as etc.
344. It answers criticisms from extremists who claim, “ The future of etc is at stake.
345. X, a rather shadowy , etc, figure appears etc.
346. A ( see book ) that evokes ( calls up ) the scene of a wood fire in a fireplace, on a cold etc winters night and a happy cozy etc
347.( see book ) ‘s plot swings abruptly from the etc, of an era, to the portrayal of a etc, who
348 And it is poignant(( deeply effecting feelings , touching ) with all of the sadness and frustrations of etc,
349. It etss the humor, the touching, the sometimes pathetic experiences of etc , but it also etcs the etc, joy and etc of etc.
350.All in all, the story provides a stereotype of the etc confronted by ant etc who etc.
351. A narrative which is essentially flashbacks with various etcs telling it their way .
352.. etc, and etc are primarily the settings
353. IT is a superb (see book ), writing at its best,, brimming with etc. history, and poetic description.
354 Through x and his work, X, , a ..ogtapher, the reader is taken into the life of a etc who etc, \descriptions of etc are detailed., believable and free of pedantry, ( parades his learning )
355.The plot revolves around a etc of themes .; a quest for etc, ; ,X , a etc who finds a etc.. a complex family relationship etc.
356. It is an anecdotal. Rather than a ( see books ) approach to the problems in question.
357., There is a glimmer of hatred in this etc,
358. Because etc ec, X is etced , That, in any case is his argument He makes it at great length with force , and much repetition and conviction, The following list of its major points is not an unfair summary . Unfortunately, the evidence is fragmentary and inconclusive .
359. One anecdote swiftly follows another.
360, Woven through these events are the threads of complexities which etc.
3461.The novels real strengths are the (see adj ) depictions of etc.
362. It is his most interesting , detailed description of etc that is etc. that etcs ones etc.
363. A sympathetic and readable narration of etx.
364/ A dispassionate yet etcly interesting account of
365. The plot is etc, etc , Along the way, the reader is enthralled by the etcly researched details of what life was when etc,
366. Through X.s eyes we are shown a group of etc ists whose flair and courage an feats of derring-do can never again etc/
367. This is not a mystery, per se ( of. , or by itself ) but rather an examination of the etc., and how etc has changed since etc ,
368. A sharply drawn account of x’s struggle for success, and a fascinating report on th e world of ete,
369. A (see books ) keeps one guessing to the very end.
370. In my mind , a wonderful and fascinating story of a etc su
345. X, a rather shadowy , etc, figure appears etc.
346. A ( see book ) that evokes ( calls up ) the scene of a wood fire in a fireplace, on a cold etc winters night and a happy cozy etc
347.( see book ) ‘s plot swings abruptly from the etc, of an era, to the portrayal of a etc, who
348 And it is poignant(( deeply effecting feelings , touching ) with all of the sadness and frustrations of etc,
349. It etss the humor, the touching, the sometimes pathetic experiences of etc , but it also etcs the etc, joy and etc of etc.
350.All in all, the story provides a stereotype of the etc confronted by ant etc who etc.
351. A narrative which is essentially flashbacks with various etcs telling it their way .
352.. etc, and etc are primarily the settings
353. IT is a superb (see book ), writing at its best,, brimming with etc. history, and poetic description.
354 Through x and his work, X, , a ..ogtapher, the reader is taken into the life of a etc who etc, \descriptions of etc are detailed., believable and free of pedantry, ( parades his learning )
355.The plot revolves around a etc of themes .; a quest for etc, ; ,X , a etc who finds a etc.. a complex family relationship etc.
356. It is an anecdotal. Rather than a ( see books ) approach to the problems in question.
357., There is a glimmer of hatred in this etc,
358. Because etc ec, X is etced , That, in any case is his argument He makes it at great length with force , and much repetition and conviction, The following list of its major points is not an unfair summary . Unfortunately, the evidence is fragmentary and inconclusive .
359. One anecdote swiftly follows another.
360, Woven through these events are the threads of complexities which etc.
3461.The novels real strengths are the (see adj ) depictions of etc.
362. It is his most interesting , detailed description of etc that is etc. that etcs ones etc.
363. A sympathetic and readable narration of etx.
364/ A dispassionate yet etcly interesting account of
365. The plot is etc, etc , Along the way, the reader is enthralled by the etcly researched details of what life was when etc,
366. Through X.s eyes we are shown a group of etc ists whose flair and courage an feats of derring-do can never again etc/
367. This is not a mystery, per se ( of. , or by itself ) but rather an examination of the etc., and how etc has changed since etc ,
368. A sharply drawn account of x’s struggle for success, and a fascinating report on th e world of ete,
369. A (see books ) keeps one guessing to the very end.
370. In my mind , a wonderful and fascinating story of a etc subject
371.’ An indispensable examination of etc.
371.’ An indispensable examination of etc.
345. X, a rather shadowy , etc, figure appears etc.
346. A ( see book ) that evokes ( calls up ) the scene of a wood fire in a fireplace, on a cold etc winters night and a happy cozy etc
347.( see book ) ‘s plot swings abruptly from the etc, of an era, to the portrayal of a etc, who
348 And it is poignant(( deeply effecting feelings , touching ) with all of the sadness and frustrations of etc,
349. It etss the humor, the touching, the sometimes pathetic experiences of etc , but it also etcs the etc, joy and etc of etc.
350.All in all, the story provides a stereotype of the etc confronted by ant etc who etc.
351. A narrative which is essentially flashbacks with various etcs telling it their way .
352.. etc, and etc are primarily the settings
353. IT is a superb (see book ), writing at its best,, brimming with etc. history, and poetic description.
354 Through x and his work, X, , a ..ogtapher, the reader is taken into the life of a etc who etc, \descriptions of etc are detailed., believable and free of pedantry, ( parades his learning )
355.The plot revolves around a etc of themes .; a quest for etc, ; ,X , a etc who finds a etc.. a complex family relationship etc.
356. It is an anecdotal. Rather than a ( see books ) approach to the problems in question.
357., There is a glimmer of hatred in this etc,
358. Because etc ec, X is etced , That, in any case is his argument He makes it at great length with force , and much repetition and conviction, The following list of its major points is not an unfair summary . Unfortunately, the evidence is fragmentary and inconclusive .
359. One anecdote swiftly follows another.
360, Woven through these events are the threads of complexities which etc.
3461.The novels real strengths are the (see adj ) depictions of etc.
362. It is his most interesting , detailed description of etc that is etc. that etcs ones etc.
363. A sympathetic and readable narration of etx.
364/ A dispassionate yet etcly interesting account of
365. The plot is etc, etc , Along the way, the reader is enthralled by the etcly researched details of what life was when etc,
366. Through X.s eyes we are shown a group of etc ists whose flair and courage an feats of derring-do can never again etc/
367. This is not a mystery, per se ( of. , or by itself ) but rather an examination of the etc., and how etc has changed since etc ,
368. A sharply drawn account of x’s struggle for success, and a fascinating report on th e world of ete,
369. A (see books ) keeps one guessing to the very end.
370. In my mind , a wonderful and fascinating story of a etc su
345. X, a rather shadowy , etc, figure appears etc.
346. A ( see book ) that evokes ( calls up ) the scene of a wood fire in a fireplace, on a cold etc winters night and a happy cozy etc
347.( see book ) ‘s plot swings abruptly from the etc, of an era, to the portrayal of a etc, who
348 And it is poignant(( deeply effecting feelings , touching ) with all of the sadness and frustrations of etc,
349. It etss the humor, the touching, the sometimes pathetic experiences of etc , but it also etcs the etc, joy and etc of etc.
350.All in all, the story provides a stereotype of the etc confronted by ant etc who etc.
351. A narrative which is essentially flashbacks with various etcs telling it their way .
352.. etc, and etc are primarily the settings
353. IT is a superb (see book ), writing at its best,, brimming with etc. history, and poetic description.
354 Through x and his work, X, , a ..ogtapher, the reader is taken into the life of a etc who etc, \descriptions of etc are detailed., believable and free of pedantry, ( parades his learning )
355.The plot revolves around a etc of themes .; a quest for etc, ; ,X , a etc who finds a etc.. a complex family relationship etc.
356. It is an anecdotal. Rather than a ( see books ) approach to the problems in question.
357., There is a glimmer of hatred in this etc,
358. Because etc ec, X is etced , That, in any case is his argument He makes it at great length with force , and much repetition and conviction, The following list of its major points is not an unfair summary . Unfortunately, the evidence is fragmentary and inconclusive .
359. One anecdote swiftly follows another.
360, Woven through these events are the threads of complexities which etc.
3461.The novels real strengths are the (see adj ) depictions of etc.
362. It is his most interesting , detailed description of etc that is etc. that etcs ones etc.
363. A sympathetic and readable narration of etx.
364/ A dispassionate yet etcly interesting account of
365. The plot is etc, etc , Along the way, the reader is enthralled by the etcly researched details of what life was when etc,
366. Through X.s eyes we are shown a group of etc ists whose flair and courage an feats of derring-do can never again etc/
367. This is not a mystery, per se ( of. , or by itself ) but rather an examination of the etc., and how etc has changed since etc ,
368. A sharply drawn account of x’s struggle for success, and a fascinating report on th e world of ete,
369. A (see books ) keeps one guessing to the very end.
370. In my mind , a wonderful and fascinating story of a etc subject
371.’ An indispensable examination of etc.
371.’ An indispensable examination of etc.
Folder61 #1 to 39 ( interesting )
1. An army of ants.
2. A bevy of beauties, , group flock herd,
3 A brace of , a pair
4A clowder of cats. ( A cote of badgers. )
5 A clutch of eggs.
6 A colony of bees. Insects./
7A cluster of group collection
8 A coterie of .
9 A constellation.. Of stars
10. A congregation larks,
11.A covey flock as quail, partridges.
12. A drove as of cattle.
13A farrow, of pigs , litter
14.A flock of
15. A gaggle of geese.
!6. A gam of whales., a pod of whales.
17A herd of elephants.
18 A leap of leopards
19 A troop of baboons great number
20 A nide of pheasant. Nest brood. Eggs.
21 A murder of crows.
22 A swarm of bees.
23, A rookery of pigeons.
24. A tribe of
25 . A herd of
26 Am ostentation of peacocks.
27 A sloth of bears., a sleuth
28,, A crash of rhinoceros .
29. A skein of geese.
30 An exultation of larks.
31 A shoal of whales, fish.
32 A parliament. Of owls.
33 A siege of foxes.
34 A skulk of foxes
35.A rafter of turkeys
36/ A numeration of starlings.
37 A down of hares.
38 A cast of hawks.
39.An unkindness of ravens.
Folder61 #1 to 39 ( interesting )
1. An army of ants.
2. A bevy of beauties, , group flock herd,
3 A brace of , a pair
4A clowder of cats. ( A cote of badgers. )
5 A clutch of eggs.
6 A colony of bees. Insects./
7A cluster of group collection
8 A coterie of .
9 A constellation.. Of stars
10. A congregation larks,
11.A covey flock as quail, partridges.
12. A drove as of cattle.
13A farrow, of pigs , litter
14.A flock of
15. A gaggle of geese.
!6. A gam of whales., a pod of whales.
17A herd of elephants.
18 A leap of leopards
19 A troop of baboons great number
20 A nide of pheasant. Nest brood. Eggs.
21 A murder of crows.
22 A swarm of bees.
23, A rookery of pigeons.
24. A tribe of
25 . A herd of
26 Am ostentation of peacocks.
27 A sloth of bears., a sleuth
28,, A crash of rhinoceros .
29. A skein of geese.
30 An exultation of larks.
31 A shoal of whales, fish.
32 A parliament. Of owls.
33 A siege of foxes.
34 A skulk of foxes
35.A rafter of turkeys
36/ A numeration of starlings.
37 A down of hares.
38 A cast of hawks.
39.An unkindness of ravens.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
COMMENT 39 to 93
58 It offers compelling evidence that etc.
59. It is a character study of a man who etc,
60 It embraces every aspect of etc. life in the days of etc.
61 It epitomizes `( serves as ideal example ) the spirit if the tines etc.
62, It is packed with information, as well as with thoughtful observations .
63 The setting is etc, circa ( of about the time or year of )
64. Endemic ( of a particular people or place) to this type of story, is the necessity ot
65 A total joy to read, utterly absorbing .
66, It is endlessly fascinating and highly readable.
67 The question of etc, is left to the reader.
68/ The tone is negative, the style is somewhat ironic (results are directly opposite to the expected often humor )
69 The connecting thread of the plot is flimsy )
70/ The emphasis throughout this ( see books,) is on etc. honesty , and the pros and cons of etc.
71. Scholarship and literature certainly need not be Etc, ) as proven by this ( see books.)
72 Every page is filled with facts, interesting speculations. And well-chosen quotes.
73. A splash of anecdotes about x’s boyhood days
,74. It should fascinate, if not intrigue ( arouse interest, desire ) even in those who have no interest in etc..
75.It should be of enormous value to anyone interested in etci
76. Does not purport ( imply, , claim, infer deceive etc, this etc to be a definitive ( final proof finish ) account of the etc./
77. It is studded with local slang terms and trade-word argot Group of trade of local vocabulary terms )
78 One may widh that X had been more expansive in the subject of etc.
79 The puzzle of etc, is compounded (more parts ingredient by the introduction od
80. It is comprehensive (covering completely ) survey of etc.
81 An in-depth study of etc,
82. A collection of conversations, and utterances of this renowned etc.
83. A transmogrification ( to alter greatly often with humorous effect transform ) of the word ‘old”/ (tontine ( death decides inheritance )
84. Of Delphic ( mystery . ambiguous , obscure, of an oracle ) pronouncements
` 85It is thoroughly documented and with an objective assortment of Proof.
86 Of informal but exhaustive reportage.
87 A chatty ,cheerful, intentionally gossipy account (see books )
88The tone is arid, official and abstract.( abridgement, skeletal)i
89 Is written in a dairy form chronicling of time dates, ) the weekly functions of etc.
90 A sheer mass of minutia ( details, trifles, )
91 A mild- mannered memoir( of one’s memories.
92. An autobiographical novel
93 With fascinating information about etc.
58 It offers compelling evidence that etc.
59. It is a character study of a man who etc,
60 It embraces every aspect of etc. life in the days of etc.
61 It epitomizes `( serves as ideal example ) the spirit if the tines etc.
62, It is packed with information, as well as with thoughtful observations .
63 The setting is etc, circa ( of about the time or year of )
64. Endemic ( of a particular people or place) to this type of story, is the necessity ot
65 A total joy to read, utterly absorbing .
66, It is endlessly fascinating and highly readable.
67 The question of etc, is left to the reader.
68/ The tone is negative, the style is somewhat ironic (results are directly opposite to the expected often humor )
69 The connecting thread of the plot is flimsy )
70/ The emphasis throughout this ( see books,) is on etc. honesty , and the pros and cons of etc.
71. Scholarship and literature certainly need not be Etc, ) as proven by this ( see books.)
72 Every page is filled with facts, interesting speculations. And well-chosen quotes.
73. A splash of anecdotes about x’s boyhood days
,74. It should fascinate, if not intrigue ( arouse interest, desire ) even in those who have no interest in etc..
75.It should be of enormous value to anyone interested in etci
76. Does not purport ( imply, , claim, infer deceive etc, this etc to be a definitive ( final proof finish ) account of the etc./
77. It is studded with local slang terms and trade-word argot Group of trade of local vocabulary terms )
78 One may widh that X had been more expansive in the subject of etc.
79 The puzzle of etc, is compounded (more parts ingredient by the introduction od
80. It is comprehensive (covering completely ) survey of etc.
81 An in-depth study of etc,
82. A collection of conversations, and utterances of this renowned etc.
83. A transmogrification ( to alter greatly often with humorous effect transform ) of the word ‘old”/ (tontine ( death decides inheritance )
84. Of Delphic ( mystery . ambiguous , obscure, of an oracle ) pronouncements
` 85It is thoroughly documented and with an objective assortment of Proof.
86 Of informal but exhaustive reportage.
87 A chatty ,cheerful, intentionally gossipy account (see books )
88The tone is arid, official and abstract.( abridgement, skeletal)i
89 Is written in a dairy form chronicling of time dates, ) the weekly functions of etc.
90 A sheer mass of minutia ( details, trifles, )
91 A mild- mannered memoir( of one’s memories.
92. An autobiographical novel
93 With fascinating information about etc.
93 landscape fraught( excess of full of )with misery. Etc.
94 An astringent ( caustic, severe comments styptic ) view of .
95. The work ( see book) drips with gruesome scene of etc.
96 Then there is the nagging bothersome question of ETC ?
97. The first episodes demonstrate that etc.
98 It is a slow soliloquy( appearance of talking to oneself)
99.Does not purport(claim to be) a definitive ( final account ) of the process of etcing.
100. It is a massive indictment( formally charged ) of ,not only Y, but also of X .
101 One may wish that A has been more expansive ( more detail ) on the subject of x.
102 There is an odd absence or any information about etc.
103 There is a mincing ( affectively delicate, dainty ) and evasive ( of avoidance ) discussion of etc.
104 There is a succession of etc, bizarre (out of ordinary, sensationally incongruous, seemingly improbable, anecdotes .
105, A recapitulation of all of the exploits and etc, in X. etc.105
106 A (see book ) seemingly told in a flat, matter-of-fact monologue,
107.A parody ( A ridiculous imitation ridicule ) of family etc.
108. A ridiculous etc of unwarranted conclusions,
109 knee-jerk response to ( uncontrolled response no thought )
110 Of material taken out-of-context.( irrelevant phrases meanings )
111 Has a sobering ( causing seriousness awareness
112A montage ( set of scenes, pictures ) of unsupported statements, half truths and suppositions,
113 It is marred by a superficial coverage of important etc.
114 A long complex narrative It purports to be an accurate record of etc , but etc.
115, A non-scholarly narrative,
116 a fallacy,( deceptive appearance guile,) now widely current
117. An egregious ( conspicuously bad ) example of etc.
118 Imaginative speculation.
119 Hyperbolic tendencies ( extravagant exaggeration )
120 Divagations (Of wandering about ) \
121 An uncompromising ( no agreement ) polemic , aggregative dispute, refutation of opinions, 0
122 Neurotic ( Occasionally unstable ) introspective ( of self examination as of thoughts ) outpourings ( writings )
123 A ;painfully honest commentary >
124. It is flawed by excessive etc, sentimentality
125 A poignant ( deeply affecting the feelings ) story based onact which follows a etc. as flees from etc he
93 landscape fraught( excess of full of )with misery. Etc.
94 An astringent ( caustic, severe comments styptic ) view of .
95. The work ( see book) drips with gruesome scene of etc.
96 Then there is the nagging bothersome question of ETC ?
98 It is a slow soliloquy( appearance of talking to oneself)
99.Does not purport(claim to be) a definitive ( final account ) of the process of etcing.
100. It is a massive indictment( formally charged ) of ,not only Y, but also of X .
101 One may wish that A has been more expansive ( more detail ) on the subject of x.
102 There is an odd absence or any information about etc.
103 There is a mincing ( affectively delicate, dainty ) and evasive ( of avoidance ) discussion of etc.
104 There is a succession of etc, bizarre (out of ordinary, sensationally incongruous, seemingly improbable, anecdotes .
105, A recapitulation of all of the exploits and etc, in X. etc.105
106 A (see book ) seemingly told in a flat, matter-of-fact monologue,
107.A parody ( A ridiculous imitation ridicule ) of family etc.
108. A ridiculous etc of unwarranted conclusions,
109 knee-jerk response to ( uncontrolled response no thought )
110 Of material taken out-of-context.( irrelevant phrases meanings )
111 Has a sobering ( causing seriousness awareness
112A montage ( set of scenes, pictures ) of unsupported statements, half truths and suppositions,
113 It is marred by a superficial coverage of important etc.
114 A long complex narrative It purports to be an accurate record of etc , but etc.
115, A non-scholarly narrative,
116 a fallacy,( deceptive appearance guile,) now widely current
117. An egregious ( conspicuously bad ) example of etc.
118 Imaginative speculation.
119 Hyperbolic tendencies ( extravagant exaggeration )
120 Divagations (Of wandering about ) \
121 An uncompromising ( no agreement ) polemic , aggregative dispute, refutation of opinions, 0
122 Neurotic ( Occasionally unstable ) introspective ( of self examination as of thoughts ) outpourings ( writings )
123 A ;painfully honest commentary >
124. It is flawed by excessive etc, sentimentality
125 A poignant ( deeply affecting the feelings ) story based onact which follows a etc. as flees from etc he
COMMENT 5 #126 to 159
126, It is the misguided , etc. work of a etc ec, author
127n There is great deal mort to X than these discreet ( shows good judgment unpretentious wise avoiding controversy ) and etc. pages reveal,.
128. It is plausible, but unproven
129 The assertions are undocumented,
130 A factual and well reasoned polemic( argument refutation ) against e t.
131. A somewhat disjointed etc, a mixture if facts and memoirs of a etc career… sometimes , etc, sometimes, and never etc.
132 It may appeal to a rather specialized audience.
133 A number of less plausible assertions.
134 A candid glimpse of a erc, man .
135 Too often , though, the (work ) is marred by flippant added jokes and a tongue-in-cheek tendency to incomplete seriousness,
136 It is larded ( garnished with anecdotes ) with quotes from all o the ists,,: cant ( argot technical terms jargon ) political rhetoric, ideological bias .
137 Overburdened with glaring inaccuracies
138 The story is shot with melodramatic ( extravagant theatricality, oer appeal to the emotion,)incredulities >
139; Consists if flagrant apocryphal ( of doubtful authenticity)
And out and out error,.
140 An outrage, perpetrated on the truth
141 It is cynical, ( contemptuously distrustful of human nature )
Witty, ( cleverly amusing ) , abrasive, ( causes irritation ) and sometimes even nasty,
142, A poignant episode of human etc
143. Is alternately shrewd and flawed , in judgment, but really indispensable when on needs etc , advice .
144. A etc, apostasy, Defection of old beliefs disloyalty )
145 A story embellished a bit more with each retelling .
146 It is replete with hearsay and innuendo
147 It resembles, in some respects a tc. Etc, child’s etc.
148. A satiric ( of irony, wit, sarcasm ridicule ) parable, (spoof)
149A naïve approach ( deficient in worldly wisdom )
150. Implausible., unconvincing, and etc.
151 A conclusive version ( no proof ) not candid and fraught with etc,
152 , Laden with errors,.
153A literary satire about etc.
154, A ponderous ( unwieldy huge size heavy dull pedestrian ) and elliptical ( left out. m no logical connection )
155 a lamentably infuriating book on etc. does not mesh etc,
156 A monotone ( dull droning voice ) lamentation ( dirge , crying out, grief, complaint ) of a etc.
157,A sprawling, boring, meandering diatribe against etc,
158, A mocking portrait of et.
159/ Pretentious ( make unjustified claims, vain ) and didactic intending to teach, bring pleasure with knowledge)
126, It is the misguided , etc. work of a etc ec, author
127n There is great deal mort to X than these discreet ( shows good judgment unpretentious wise avoiding controversy ) and etc. pages reveal,.
128. It is plausible, but unproven
129 The assertions are undocumented,
130 A factual and well reasoned polemic( argument refutation ) against e t.
131. A somewhat disjointed etc, a mixture if facts and memoirs of a etc career… sometimes , etc, sometimes, and never etc.
132 It may appeal to a rather specialized audience.
133 A number of less plausible assertions.
134 A candid glimpse of a erc, man .
135 Too often , though, the (work ) is marred by flippant added jokes and a tongue-in-cheek tendency to incomplete seriousness,
136 It is larded ( garnished with anecdotes ) with quotes from all o the ists,,: cant ( argot technical terms jargon ) political rhetoric, ideological bias .
137 Overburdened with glaring inaccuracies
138 The story is shot with melodramatic ( extravagant theatricality, oer appeal to the emotion,)incredulities >
139; Consists if flagrant apocryphal ( of doubtful authenticity)
And out and out error,.
140 An outrage, perpetrated on the truth
141 It is cynical, ( contemptuously distrustful of human nature )
Witty, ( cleverly amusing ) , abrasive, ( causes irritation ) and sometimes even nasty,
142, A poignant episode of human etc
143. Is alternately shrewd and flawed , in judgment, but really indispensable when on needs etc , advice .
144. A etc, apostasy, Defection of old beliefs disloyalty )
145 A story embellished a bit more with each retelling .
146 It is replete with hearsay and innuendo
147 It resembles, in some respects a tc. Etc, child’s etc.
148. A satiric ( of irony, wit, sarcasm ridicule ) parable, (spoof)
149A naïve approach ( deficient in worldly wisdom )
150. Implausible., unconvincing, and etc.
151 A conclusive version ( no proof ) not candid and fraught with etc,
152 , Laden with errors,.
153A literary satire about etc.
154, A ponderous ( unwieldy huge size heavy dull pedestrian ) and elliptical ( left out. m no logical connection )
155 a lamentably infuriating book on etc. does not mesh etc,
156 A monotone ( dull droning voice ) lamentation ( dirge , crying out, grief, complaint ) of a etc.
157,A sprawling, boring, meandering diatribe against etc,
158, A mocking portrait of et.
159/ Pretentious ( make unjustified claims, vain ) and didactic intending to teach, bring pleasure with knowledge)
160. Etcing irony and poetic justice.
161 Provocative, yet stimulating .
162 The tone of the prose is lyrical ( might be set to music and sung .elegiac (poetry expressing sorrow for past events . Satirical m and narrative
163 Ludicrously artificial.
164 It is euphoric ( a feeling of well-being elation)
Pleasurable, but dispensable..
165. It is highly controversial, profoundly disturbing.
166 It is a cavalier (disdainful offhand lack of respect fir ) treatment of etc .
157 A convoluted (involved intricate, many folds ,) adulatory,
Excessive flattery, praise, )
158 Irritatingly thin, spare and etc, . as though X were giving us the least possible news omitting the real etc.
159 A rationalized ( cause something to -seem - reasonable) version of et,, gar fetched >
160 The tone is dry and urbane,( polite, finished, suave )
161. Parts of this etc. are tedious, far fetched and though weighed down with lengthy true , etc, ring to them etc.
162 For, example, X urges that etc. and sounds like a preacher etc.
163 The poems with little emotional content.
164. One minor cavil ( To raise trivial objections ) one may raise is the presence of etc etc.
165 It is written in a somewhat turgid (` excessively embellished. Bombastic, pompous, language )style.
166, The research is prodigious, ( extraordinary in bulk, enormous, unusual ) the tone is indignant ( as if insulted )
167 For all of its needless prolixity (verbosity long, drawn out, needless , extended, One-mindedness ) it is an acceptable explanation of etc.
168. A rather nauseating (sickening as with disgust ) account of the sordid ( dirty, filthy, wretched squalid, ) affairs of etc.
169 A pathetic ( sad, moving marked be sorrow) with a etc. narrative theme and some suspense .
170 A etc of intellectual poverty >
171 A scurrilous, ( vulgar, evil. As false charges, counter charges) acrimonious attack on etc.
172. A stogy, ( slow. Plodding, boring drab , dowdy old fashioned. ) , pedantic, ( academic. Bookish, learned ) and… irrelevant ,
173Sheer vituperation, ( berate severely scold abuse censure )
176 The plot is spare, precise on certain details, but vague on others. Altogether too gentle in tone,
177 Vague , ( not clearly expressed, not precise ) abstract, (difficult to understand, apart from ,fact ) and polemical (controversial, hostile dispute refure )
178’ It is disturbing, , at times irritating, but an enormously important work :
179 An error-ridden, skeletal discussion of etc.
180. Is irresponsibly written, , improbable and disturbing
181. Superficial, ill-founded without much basis in fact.
160. Etcing irony and poetic justice.
161 Provocative, yet stimulating .
162 The tone of the prose is lyrical ( might be set to music and sung .elegiac (poetry expressing sorrow for past events . Satirical m and narrative
163 Ludicrously artificial.
164 It is euphoric ( a feeling of well-being elation)
Pleasurable, but dispensable..
165. It is highly controversial, profoundly disturbing.
166 It is a cavalier (disdainful offhand lack of respect fir ) treatment of etc .
157 A convoluted (involved intricate, many folds ,) adulatory,
Excessive flattery, praise, )
158 Irritatingly thin, spare and etc, . as though X were giving us the least possible news omitting the real etc.
159 A rationalized ( cause something to -seem - reasonable) version of et,, gar fetched >
160 The tone is dry and urbane,( polite, finished, suave )
161. Parts of this etc. are tedious, far fetched and though weighed down with lengthy true , etc, ring to them etc.
162 For, example, X urges that etc. and sounds like a preacher etc.
163 The poems with little emotional content.
164. One minor cavil ( To raise trivial objections ) one may raise is the presence of etc etc.
165 It is written in a somewhat turgid (` excessively embellished. Bombastic, pompous, language )style.
166, The research is prodigious, ( extraordinary in bulk, enormous, unusual ) the tone is indignant ( as if insulted )
167 For all of its needless prolixity (verbosity long, drawn out, needless , extended, One-mindedness ) it is an acceptable explanation of etc.
168. A rather nauseating (sickening as with disgust ) account of the sordid ( dirty, filthy, wretched squalid, ) affairs of etc.
169 A pathetic ( sad, moving marked be sorrow) with a etc. narrative theme and some suspense .
170 A etc of intellectual poverty >
171 A scurrilous, ( vulgar, evil. As false charges, counter charges) acrimonious attack on etc.
172. A stogy, ( slow. Plodding, boring drab , dowdy old fashioned. ) , pedantic, ( academic. Bookish, learned ) and… irrelevant ,
173Sheer vituperation, ( berate severely scold abuse censure )
176 The plot is spare, precise on certain details, but vague on others. Altogether too gentle in tone,
177 Vague , ( not clearly expressed, not precise ) abstract, (difficult to understand, apart from ,fact ) and polemical (controversial, hostile dispute refure )
178’ It is disturbing, , at times irritating, but an enormously important work :
179 An error-ridden, skeletal discussion of etc.
180. Is irresponsibly written, , improbable and disturbing
181. Superficial, ill-founded without much basis in fact.
COMMENT 7 18 to 207
182.A superlative-studded etc. work . ( exaggerated expression of praise, utmost degree, acme ) totally sycophantic (obsequious flattery, fawning, )
183 The knowledgeable are liable to find this work(see books ) exasperatingly etc, ec, and wholly etc >
184,Has a pretentious ( doubtful, pretext not fact, ) fragmentary quality to it.
185, It is bases on incomplete, obscure, and in some cases, totally incorrect data .
186 Might laughingly, or perhaps charitably be called a etc, far-fetched etc etc/
187.Sometimes poignant, sometimes ribald.( coarse , indecent offensive language, )
188 Unnerving, but convincing
189Blatantly (noisily obvious conspicuous offensively. Crass,) false.
190. It does contain much trivia that might better have been omitted
191.Deficient in elaboration, ( fullness of detail.) and profundity ( ( intellectual depth ) intensity of feeling, thought )
192. Mawkishly ( sickeningly sentimental )
193Rambling, digressive prose, peppered with anecdotes and satiric thrusts at etc,
194 For the cognoscente ( one having expert knowledge ) this is a perfunctory (routine, superficial ) and not too analytical etc.
195 Has a derogatory ( disparaging,, of low opinion ) connotation. ( Suggested meaning ).
196 It is pompous (self-important, arrogant, excessive )
And esoterically ( understood by a few, as a trade, profession )
197. A grotesque ( fanciful, , bizarre as human forms absurd ) falsification of the facts , truth ?
198 Ponderous ( deep heavy, weighty. )philosophizing ( to expound, moralizing )
199. It is riddled with logical and factual error.
200/ He uses the term ’ pejorative’.(to make worse 0
201. Interest is piqued, ( excite or aroused stir. Up ) by etc,
202 A ( See adj ) critique ( act of criticism, review ) and etc, which give way to anecdote and reminiscence
203A lovingly produced, achingly beautiful splendid reading
204 “ Etc,” is too weak a word to use about etc/
205. This intellectually exhilarating (see book ) deserves a chorus of hosannas
206 A pedestrian (commonplace unimaginative of walking )
Lifeless record of events, dates and etc .
207 It tends to be a sporadic (occur occasionally . Infrequent affair.
182.A superlative-studded etc. work . ( exaggerated expression of praise, utmost degree, acme ) totally sycophantic (obsequious flattery, fawning, )
183 The knowledgeable are liable to find this work(see books ) exasperatingly etc, ec, and wholly etc >
184,Has a pretentious ( doubtful, pretext not fact, ) fragmentary quality to it.
185, It is bases on incomplete, obscure, and in some cases, totally incorrect data .
186 Might laughingly, or perhaps charitably be called a etc, far-fetched etc etc/
187.Sometimes poignant, sometimes ribald.( coarse , indecent offensive language, )
188 Unnerving, but convincing
189Blatantly (noisily obvious conspicuous offensively. Crass,) false.
190. It does contain much trivia that might better have been omitted
191.Deficient in elaboration, ( fullness of detail.) and profundity ( ( intellectual depth ) intensity of feeling, thought )
192. Mawkishly ( sickeningly sentimental )
193Rambling, digressive prose, peppered with anecdotes and satiric thrusts at etc,
194 For the cognoscente ( one having expert knowledge ) this is a perfunctory (routine, superficial ) and not too analytical etc.
195 Has a derogatory ( disparaging,, of low opinion ) connotation. ( Suggested meaning ).
196 It is pompous (self-important, arrogant, excessive )
And esoterically ( understood by a few, as a trade, profession )
197. A grotesque ( fanciful, , bizarre as human forms absurd ) falsification of the facts , truth ?
198 Ponderous ( deep heavy, weighty. )philosophizing ( to expound, moralizing )
199. It is riddled with logical and factual error.
200/ He uses the term ’ pejorative’.(to make worse 0
201. Interest is piqued, ( excite or aroused stir. Up ) by etc,
202 A ( See adj ) critique ( act of criticism, review ) and etc, which give way to anecdote and reminiscence
203A lovingly produced, achingly beautiful splendid reading
204 “ Etc,” is too weak a word to use about etc/
205. This intellectually exhilarating (see book ) deserves a chorus of hosannas
206 A pedestrian (commonplace unimaginative of walking )
Lifeless record of events, dates and etc .
207 It tends to be a sporadic (occur occasionally . Infrequent affair.
213. A chatty , highly personable account of etc.
214 A naïve (artless, natural, unaffected ), etc. couched in half truths, , a welter of misinformation
215. An objective ( unbiased, ) albeit.,( even though ) wry report on etc.
215 Of mordant( biting, caustic sarcastic, ) wit,
216 A etc, drenched with etc bathos, anticlimax, letdown triteness sentimentalism )
217 A cold , constructive analysis of erc.
218 . There is the ring of Childhood etc familiarity about etc.
219. Doubt etc; creeps into our minds when etc.
220. A most detailed. , graphic and stirring history of etc.
221 , It is a verbal as well as visual delight .
222. Is marred by sweeping and occasionally erroneous generalizations , his work is etc.
223.exhibit’s the general ignorance of those times .
224 It is etced , with obligatory platitudes ( dull, insipid, .banal. Trite, stale) and claptrap (/ pretentious nonsense )
225. It is as evocative ( bring to mind imaginative ) as it is penetrating ( to see into )
226 A polite, but unforthcoming, interview .
227 blaze of nonsensical rhetoric
It leaves one hungry for more.
228 In the somewhat nebulous ( vague, indistinct ) cloak of a documentary, that purports to etc, it really is a valid approach to the question of etc/
229 But its relevance to today is apparent, although slightly belabored by the author,
230 It is, ain a way, a preposterous and shabby , bogus exercise
231 It is a prodigiously contemptuous insult to all of us who etc. , an insult which is compounded by the .. Assertions etc . this bumptious poseur ( one who affects an attitude to impress )
232. He has the gall to add, “ etc, “ as he solemnly warns “ etc”
233.The main thread, thrust of the argument gets lost in side et
234 However, a discerning eye for Etcm can find flaws ifX’s et.
235. It concludes with a disturbing denouement ( final outcome)
236 Formulaic ( unimaginative , prescribed common ) characters , a plot which never yields a surprise,
237 Of love and betrayal and impassioned exhortations
213. A chatty , highly personable account of etc.
214 A naïve (artless, natural, unaffected ), etc. couched in half truths, , a welter of misinformation
215. An objective ( unbiased, ) albeit.,( even though ) wry report on etc.
215 Of mordant( biting, caustic sarcastic, ) wit,
216 A etc, drenched with etc bathos, anticlimax, letdown triteness sentimentalism )
217 A cold , constructive analysis of erc.
218 . There is the ring of Childhood etc familiarity about etc.
219. Doubt etc; creeps into our minds when etc.
220. A most detailed. , graphic and stirring history of etc.
221 , It is a verbal as well as visual delight .
222. Is marred by sweeping and occasionally erroneous generalizations , his work is etc.
223.exhibit’s the general ignorance of those times .
224 It is etced , with obligatory platitudes ( dull, insipid, .banal. Trite, stale) and claptrap (/ pretentious nonsense )
225. It is as evocative ( bring to mind imaginative ) as it is penetrating ( to see into )
226 A polite, but unforthcoming, interview .
227 blaze of nonsensical rhetoric
It leaves one hungry for more.
228 In the somewhat nebulous ( vague, indistinct ) cloak of a documentary, that purports to etc, it really is a valid approach to the question of etc/
229 But its relevance to today is apparent, although slightly belabored by the author,
230 It is, ain a way, a preposterous and shabby , bogus exercise
231 It is a prodigiously contemptuous insult to all of us who etc. , an insult which is compounded by the .. Assertions etc . this bumptious poseur ( one who affects an attitude to impress )
232. He has the gall to add, “ etc, “ as he solemnly warns “ etc”
233.The main thread, thrust of the argument gets lost in side et
234 However, a discerning eye for Etcm can find flaws ifX’s et.
235. It concludes with a disturbing denouement ( final outcome)
236 Formulaic ( unimaginative , prescribed common ) characters , a plot which never yields a surprise,
237 Of love and betrayal and impassioned exhortations
40 A lifeless and perfunctory (routine, superficial no interest or enthusiasm ) biography. ( account of one‘s life)
41 A controversial ( disputatious ) study of a etc by a -ologtst .42 A candid , plodding autobiography,
43 A fully-told, pro and con etg, -ograohy.
44.A literate, ( of creative writing ) entertaining , valuable study
45 A synoptic ( abbreviated common, condensed ) view of et >
46 An anecdotal. ( of short incidents ) biography of > etc.
47The ( see books) succeeds in its purpose to find a deeper understanding of etc, and to show how events affected etc.
48 A rather somber ( gloomy, depressing serious , grave) study of the ec. Conditions.
49. It touches, with some profundity ( intellectual depth) on the
Problems of etc.
50 It is meant to inform, and is written in plain language with no attempt to moralize.
51 A ( see books) of several interwoven stories about x;s life .
52. Etc is the center ground around which etc life revolves .
53 is etc, with accurate details about the flora and fauna of etc, and tinted with extra touches of local color.
54. In this See books, X emerges as an etc, an etc and as a etc
55 As A points out, there are facts hers, facts which other so -called etc, have ec.
56 It recounts the troubles, the triumphs and the etc of etc.
57 There is a symbiotic ( mutually beneficial relationship) between x and y , and an adversary ( of antagonists ) relationship between y nd z,
40 A lifeless and perfunctory (routine, superficial no interest or enthusiasm ) biography. ( account of one‘s life)
41 A controversial ( disputatious ) study of a etc by a -ologtst .42 A candid , plodding autobiography,
43 A fully-told, pro and con etg, -ograohy.
44.A literate, ( of creative writing ) entertaining , valuable study
45 A synoptic ( abbreviated common, condensed ) view of et >
46 An anecdotal. ( of short incidents ) biography of > etc.
47The ( see books) succeeds in its purpose to find a deeper understanding of etc, and to show how events affected etc.
48 A rather somber ( gloomy, depressing serious , grave) study of the ec. Conditions.
49. It touches, with some profundity ( intellectual depth) on the
Problems of etc.
50 It is meant to inform, and is written in plain language with no attempt to moralize.
51 A ( see books) of several interwoven stories about x;s life .
52. Etc is the center ground around which etc life revolves .
53 is etc, with accurate details about the flora and fauna of etc, and tinted with extra touches of local color.
54. In this See books, X emerges as an etc, an etc and as a etc
55 As A points out, there are facts hers, facts which other so -called etc, have ec.
56 It recounts the troubles, the triumphs and the etc of etc.
57 There is a symbiotic ( mutually beneficial relationship) between x and y , and an adversary ( of antagonists ) relationship between y nd z,
Folder 32 # 1 to 40
1. It replays the triumphs and the tragedies of V’s unique career.
2 Gives s a detail by detail strategy how best to negotiate each move; we play the game vicariously ( imagined as if there in place of )
3 , A etc of the life and times of etc.
4 No startling revelations, but there ample anecdotes which the most etc reader will enjoy.
5 An encyclopedia form of instruction
6. . It is an argument settler .
7 It ios the life story of etc.
8 It is full of insights into X’s character
9. An explanation of the survival of etc.
10 . A clinical report ( analytical, coolly dispassionate )
11,The crux( puzzling ,difficult problem)of the argument is. Etc. 12. Etc, Etc, theories abound .
13, It is told in a series if interviews, letters, newspaper articles /14.This etc lends new dimensions(sides standards to the old etc.
15 It is of memories, carefully recorded and etc.
16. It is really a psychiatrists study of habits, the etc, and the etc of
17/ The heart of this is the etc of etc’
18 A vivid account of life in the early eighteen hundreds
19 An album of the paintings ete
20 It is of a time of toil. Heartache and discipline of the etc.
21 Of the exotic ( strikingly, exciting different or unusual ) local atmosphere of etc.
22.Is an expansive ( causes high spirits , exaggerated self delusions self importance ) monograph 9 of a single thing )
23 . It affords exclusively revealed insights into etc.
24. A overview of the richly documented history o etc
25. A unique primer and inspirational reading
26, It is of the joys and excitement . Of etc/
27 Of the financial intrigues ( entangle, cheat trick ) of etcs.
28A study of the relationship between etx and etc.
29 A guide to useful methods of etc.
30 A critical essay on the etcing of erc/
31, A record kept by a etc lover and ist .
32 An extrapolation( (of expanding known data,.to new conclusions ) from a study of etc.
33 Is an historical survey
34. A comprehensive discussion of the past, the present, and the future relationship between etc/
35, A light-hearted family chronicle ( a detailed , historical. Account of events )
36An erudite( extensive knowledge acquired from books etc. )
37. A statistical study of etc.
38 It is a collaboration ( of working together, in a sense ) of etc
39/ It is a subjective, ( of individual personal judgments, lacking reality or proof , illusory ) exploration of the questions which arise from etcing , based on the authors personal experience, /omment
Folder 32 # 1 to 40
1. It replays the triumphs and the tragedies of V’s unique career.
2 Gives s a detail by detail strategy how best to negotiate each move; we play the game vicariously ( imagined as if there in place of )
3 , A etc of the life and times of etc.
4 No startling revelations, but there ample anecdotes which the most etc reader will enjoy.
5 An encyclopedia form of instruction
6. . It is an argument settler .
7 It ios the life story of etc.
8 It is full of insights into X’s character
9. An explanation of the survival of etc.
10 . A clinical report ( analytical, coolly dispassionate )
11,The crux( puzzling ,difficult problem)of the argument is. Etc. 12. Etc, Etc, theories abound .
13, It is told in a series if interviews, letters, newspaper articles /14.This etc lends new dimensions(sides standards to the old etc.
15 It is of memories, carefully recorded and etc.
16. It is really a psychiatrists study of habits, the etc, and the etc of
17/ The heart of this is the etc of etc’
18 A vivid account of life in the early eighteen hundreds
19 An album of the paintings ete
20 It is of a time of toil. Heartache and discipline of the etc.
21 Of the exotic ( strikingly, exciting different or unusual ) local atmosphere of etc.
22.Is an expansive ( causes high spirits , exaggerated self delusions self importance ) monograph 9 of a single thing )
23 . It affords exclusively revealed insights into etc.
24. A overview of the richly documented history o etc
25. A unique primer and inspirational reading
26, It is of the joys and excitement . Of etc/
27 Of the financial intrigues ( entangle, cheat trick ) of etcs.
28A study of the relationship between etx and etc.
29 A guide to useful methods of etc.
30 A critical essay on the etcing of erc/
31, A record kept by a etc lover and ist .
32 An extrapolation( (of expanding known data,.to new conclusions ) from a study of etc.
33 Is an historical survey
34. A comprehensive discussion of the past, the present, and the future relationship between etc/
35, A light-hearted family chronicle ( a detailed , historical. Account of events )
36An erudite( extensive knowledge acquired from books etc. )
37. A statistical study of etc.
38 It is a collaboration ( of working together, in a sense ) of etc
39/ It is a subjective, ( of individual personal judgments, lacking reality or proof , illusory ) exploration of the questions which arise from etcing , based on the authors personal experience, /omment
Friday, May 17, 2013
Folder fifty one. #1 to 75 of 200 ( Annoying, ignorant, obnoxious )
Fathom, if you will, why, over the past twenty years, so many intellectuals, savants, and pundits have suggested : “ That wise ones refrain from ever,- ever- discussing the contents of this folder with their spouse, with their friends, or with their
possibly thin- skinned , opinionated relatives.”
Egos,- yours and theirs,- are unpredictable.
! He thinks that he is God’s surrogate. ( substitute, alternate. )
2 A pompous ( self-important, haughty, vain) functionary( official, bureaucrat.)
3, Always assured, sometimes to point of arrogance. ( conceit ,with contempt )
4. A conniver (manipulator, schemer. ) bent on self-promotion .
5. A member of that etc, art, which is infected with poseurs.(affected, insincere frauds .)
6 With an overweening ( arrogant, excessive, pompous ) pride.( self importance, vanity)
7.A etc, voracious (hungry gluttonous) ego(self-esteem ,) which demands to be fed.
8. With the ego-motivated behavior of a popular etc, star.
9 Has an ego matched only by h,h, huge physical bulk, and h.h. etc. propensity (tendency , penchant) to always assume the role of an authority on any subject.
10. He has, with his assumption of etc. power, developed an arrogance, which, they say is common to all charlatans (makes false claims )
11. Is like a dictator with a lust for power.
12 There is a certain hauteur (arrogance, haughtiness, distain)in his façade (appearance)
13 Who gives the impression of one who’ knows it all,’ but who is actually one who etc.
14. An applause-gathering celebrity who revels in the encomiums(glowing praises and applause of the crowd. )
15 A etc, who is a shade too opinionated, and who has a monumental vanity. (pride) .
16 .A self-appointed, self-anointed (self- blessed ) leader.
17 A bit of the know-it-all syndrome ( group of symptoms.)
18 Is prone to preach, and pontificate ( deliver oracular forewarnings )
19. The dynamics ( force, surge, ) of power wielded by a small-minded, egomaniacal (of a self-preoccupied ) person in search of momentary prestige ( esteem, fame. etc).
20 Has the manner of one who whose commands are instantly obeyed.
21 With the air of one who deems himself better acquainted with the subject than anyone else , and who refuses to listen etc.
22 Urbane (showing sophistication, polite, suave ) , yet arrogant and alternately brash (self-assertive) and smiling : an unmitigated ( complete,) ( utter, absolute) pompous ( self-important ) oaf (clumsy , ignorant )
23 To assuage (relieve pain or unpleasantness ) his enormous appetite for etc. he is driven to seek relief in etcing.
24.He is an owlish, bearded, typically bland (vapid, uninspiring ) bureaucrat (office holder. ), a feisty ( full of energy, quarrelsome ) controversial etc, who has an all-consuming ego.
25. A self-styled arbitrator ( judge, mediator )who performs with much éclat . (ostentation, showy, pretentious, affected, much publicity)
26 Aware of his undeniable superiority, he revels ( takes great pleasure. ) in the praise and flattery of his sycophants ( fawning flatterers).
27.Brash ( impetuous, lacks restraint ) from the first, he is a know-it-all, steel-willed etc, who is wrong most of the time. 28. Narcissistic( in love with self, vain ,essentially a loner )
29. A vain ( excessively proud) petulant( sulky, ill tempered. peevish ) brat.
30.Seems always to be enveloped in an air of superiority.
31 Is well-endowed with a sense of his own importance.
32 There is a maddening certitude( sureness, confidence, assurance ) about him.
33. He ignores those who disagree with him.
34. Is too sure of himself; too positive in his opinions .
35. He evinces ( shows clearly, demonstrates) a strong tendency to assume the role of etc,
36, Acting as though he had divine ( heavenly) guidance and sanctions ( authorization )
37 He is self-assured and domineering ( bossy, overbearing , interfering) with absolutely no regard for one’s etc
38. He has an inflated sense of his own importance.
39, His success affords him a degree of pomposity (self-importance ) that etc an others find difficult to accept.
40,His air of “ I told you so “ arrogance, coupled with self-righteousness, complacency, ( self-satisfaction, )and self-justification, is galling (exasperating, , frustrating , )
41. Who speaks with the conviction that he is the spokesman for the Almighty, is beyond tolerance.
42 He has an unappeasable need for self-aggrandizement ( glorification, enhancement )
43 He has a patronizing ( superior, belittling, denigrating ) attitude toward etc.
44. Who thinks of himself as the cynosure ( center of attention ) of the whole world.
45.His election gave him a colossal, swelled head. He and they envisioned him as etc.
46, Arrogantly autocratic, ( ruling with unlimited authority.)
47 He is with pretensions (subterfuge ,posing, posturing ,hopes) to indispensability.
( needed, necessary, required )
48.His precocity ( natural qualities from an early age, precocious from childhood. ) led to his being a victim of his very own smugness. ( conceit, arrogance, haughtiness.) 49.An aloof,(remote manner, cold, reserved, arrogant )personality .
( Almost every novel will feature a character with one or more of these prompts.)
50.He has an inflated sense of self-importance.
51 He evades responsibility by responding with a certain sense of nonchalance, ( air of easy unconcern, indifference, ) bravado. (pretense of bravery, ) and flamboyance (being showy, dashing display )
52. Blithe, (cheerful, happy care-free, casual, ) and posturing( assuming an attitude ) , he was in fact , evading the question.
53. Her hubris ( exaggerated pride, self-confidence, boasting,) is unbearable.
54. A vain, strutting fool. Like a peacock, he reveled in the superficial glory.
55. Like the reembodiment of Hitler, but with less compassion.
56 Seemed to believe that the good lord had places him here to take charge and to straighten things out
57 He was the personification of the devil himself, parading his beliefs with pharisaical,( hypocritical, self-righteousness ),
58. He has now grown heady ( exhilarated, invigorated, giddy ) with power,
59. He is a know-it-all who seems to harbor a distrust for the rest of the world.
60. He exudes a sense of superiority to everyone, even to his supervisor.
61. One whose enormous physical girth was matched only by his overweening (pompous, excessive, conceited ) ego.
62 He was promiscuous ( chooses without discriminating , unrestrained ) with advice.
63 The recurring pattern of the self-appointed authoritarian ( one who is strict and demanding obedience, dictatorial ) is forever present.
64.His penchant ( tendency, inclination ) for vulgarity makes him persona non grata . (unwelcome ,unacceptable person .) ( See Speech. Voice. Two hundred prompts.)
65.He is fond of hearing himself talk; he is a snob and a social climber .
66, Her favorite, most pleasing sight is merely a mirror away.
67 He is reeking with self-interest.
68. She acts as if there were no other one, and nothing else in the world, except herself, and the beautiful universe .
69. He is intensely absorbed with himself .
70 His vanity does, indeed, stand out; he is flagrantly( scandalously ) fond of himself.
71 His with a life-long conviction that he is the only one on this earth with the correct answers and solutions to life’s problems.
72 His passion, ( ardent affection , intense feelings of compulsion) for personal recognition is all-consuming. It affects him like a wonderful exhilarating potion.
73 He is the ’ I’ll take charge of everything type.’
74.He is prone to wearing an expression which suggests that he seems to be smelling, or sniffing a bad odor.
75. Speaking as though he were bestowing a gift upon the audience.
Folder fifty one. #1 to 75 of 200 ( Annoying, ignorant, obnoxious )
Fathom, if you will, why, over the past twenty years, so many intellectuals, savants, and pundits have suggested : “ That wise ones refrain from ever,- ever- discussing the contents of this folder with their spouse, with their friends, or with their
possibly thin- skinned , opinionated relatives.”
Egos,- yours and theirs,- are unpredictable.
! He thinks that he is God’s surrogate. ( substitute, alternate. )
2 A pompous ( self-important, haughty, vain) functionary( official, bureaucrat.)
3, Always assured, sometimes to point of arrogance. ( conceit ,with contempt )
4. A conniver (manipulator, schemer. ) bent on self-promotion .
5. A member of that etc, art, which is infected with poseurs.(affected, insincere frauds .)
6 With an overweening ( arrogant, excessive, pompous ) pride.( self importance, vanity)
7.A etc, voracious (hungry gluttonous) ego(self-esteem ,) which demands to be fed.
8. With the ego-motivated behavior of a popular etc, star.
9 Has an ego matched only by h,h, huge physical bulk, and h.h. etc. propensity (tendency , penchant) to always assume the role of an authority on any subject.
10. He has, with his assumption of etc. power, developed an arrogance, which, they say is common to all charlatans (makes false claims )
11. Is like a dictator with a lust for power.
12 There is a certain hauteur (arrogance, haughtiness, distain)in his façade (appearance)
13 Who gives the impression of one who’ knows it all,’ but who is actually one who etc.
14. An applause-gathering celebrity who revels in the encomiums(glowing praises and applause of the crowd. )
15 A etc, who is a shade too opinionated, and who has a monumental vanity. (pride) .
16 .A self-appointed, self-anointed (self- blessed ) leader.
17 A bit of the know-it-all syndrome ( group of symptoms.)
18 Is prone to preach, and pontificate ( deliver oracular forewarnings )
19. The dynamics ( force, surge, ) of power wielded by a small-minded, egomaniacal (of a self-preoccupied ) person in search of momentary prestige ( esteem, fame. etc).
20 Has the manner of one who whose commands are instantly obeyed.
21 With the air of one who deems himself better acquainted with the subject than anyone else , and who refuses to listen etc.
22 Urbane (showing sophistication, polite, suave ) , yet arrogant and alternately brash (self-assertive) and smiling : an unmitigated ( complete,) ( utter, absolute) pompous ( self-important ) oaf (clumsy , ignorant )
23 To assuage (relieve pain or unpleasantness ) his enormous appetite for etc. he is driven to seek relief in etcing.
24.He is an owlish, bearded, typically bland (vapid, uninspiring ) bureaucrat (office holder. ), a feisty ( full of energy, quarrelsome ) controversial etc, who has an all-consuming ego.
25. A self-styled arbitrator ( judge, mediator )who performs with much éclat . (ostentation, showy, pretentious, affected, much publicity)
26 Aware of his undeniable superiority, he revels ( takes great pleasure. ) in the praise and flattery of his sycophants ( fawning flatterers).
27.Brash ( impetuous, lacks restraint ) from the first, he is a know-it-all, steel-willed etc, who is wrong most of the time. 28. Narcissistic( in love with self, vain ,essentially a loner )
29. A vain ( excessively proud) petulant( sulky, ill tempered. peevish ) brat.
30.Seems always to be enveloped in an air of superiority.
31 Is well-endowed with a sense of his own importance.
32 There is a maddening certitude( sureness, confidence, assurance ) about him.
33. He ignores those who disagree with him.
34. Is too sure of himself; too positive in his opinions .
35. He evinces ( shows clearly, demonstrates) a strong tendency to assume the role of etc,
36, Acting as though he had divine ( heavenly) guidance and sanctions ( authorization )
37 He is self-assured and domineering ( bossy, overbearing , interfering) with absolutely no regard for one’s etc
38. He has an inflated sense of his own importance.
39, His success affords him a degree of pomposity (self-importance ) that etc an others find difficult to accept.
40,His air of “ I told you so “ arrogance, coupled with self-righteousness, complacency, ( self-satisfaction, )and self-justification, is galling (exasperating, , frustrating , )
41. Who speaks with the conviction that he is the spokesman for the Almighty, is beyond tolerance.
42 He has an unappeasable need for self-aggrandizement ( glorification, enhancement )
43 He has a patronizing ( superior, belittling, denigrating ) attitude toward etc.
44. Who thinks of himself as the cynosure ( center of attention ) of the whole world.
45.His election gave him a colossal, swelled head. He and they envisioned him as etc.
46, Arrogantly autocratic, ( ruling with unlimited authority.)
47 He is with pretensions (subterfuge ,posing, posturing ,hopes) to indispensability.
( needed, necessary, required )
48.His precocity ( natural qualities from an early age, precocious from childhood. ) led to his being a victim of his very own smugness. ( conceit, arrogance, haughtiness.) 49.An aloof,(remote manner, cold, reserved, arrogant )personality .
( Almost every novel will feature a character with one or more of these prompts.)
50.He has an inflated sense of self-importance.
51 He evades responsibility by responding with a certain sense of nonchalance, ( air of easy unconcern, indifference, ) bravado. (pretense of bravery, ) and flamboyance (being showy, dashing display )
52. Blithe, (cheerful, happy care-free, casual, ) and posturing( assuming an attitude ) , he was in fact , evading the question.
53. Her hubris ( exaggerated pride, self-confidence, boasting,) is unbearable.
54. A vain, strutting fool. Like a peacock, he reveled in the superficial glory.
55. Like the reembodiment of Hitler, but with less compassion.
56 Seemed to believe that the good lord had places him here to take charge and to straighten things out
57 He was the personification of the devil himself, parading his beliefs with pharisaical,( hypocritical, self-righteousness ),
58. He has now grown heady ( exhilarated, invigorated, giddy ) with power,
59. He is a know-it-all who seems to harbor a distrust for the rest of the world.
60. He exudes a sense of superiority to everyone, even to his supervisor.
61. One whose enormous physical girth was matched only by his overweening (pompous, excessive, conceited ) ego.
62 He was promiscuous ( chooses without discriminating , unrestrained ) with advice.
63 The recurring pattern of the self-appointed authoritarian ( one who is strict and demanding obedience, dictatorial ) is forever present.
64.His penchant ( tendency, inclination ) for vulgarity makes him persona non grata . (unwelcome ,unacceptable person .) ( See Speech. Voice. Two hundred prompts.)
65.He is fond of hearing himself talk; he is a snob and a social climber .
66, Her favorite, most pleasing sight is merely a mirror away.
67 He is reeking with self-interest.
68. She acts as if there were no other one, and nothing else in the world, except herself, and the beautiful universe .
69. He is intensely absorbed with himself .
70 His vanity does, indeed, stand out; he is flagrantly( scandalously ) fond of himself.
71 His with a life-long conviction that he is the only one on this earth with the correct answers and solutions to life’s problems.
72 His passion, ( ardent affection , intense feelings of compulsion) for personal recognition is all-consuming. It affects him like a wonderful exhilarating potion.
73 He is the ’ I’ll take charge of everything type.’
74.He is prone to wearing an expression which suggests that he seems to be smelling, or sniffing a bad odor.
75. Speaking as though he were bestowing a gift upon the audience.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
125 ti165
128 TO 166 ©
129. With a genius ( outstanding talent ) for telling stories and with a memory of unequaled fidelity .
130. Warmth, conviviality (sociable, friendly likes people ) and willingness bubble out if her.
131.Refreshing as a thousand new brooms in a cobwebbed garret.
132 Spontaneous ( instant action, response ) and outgoing ( sociable . Cheerful )
133.With no money, no intellectual ability, no etc, but with oodles of charm, he etc.
134. It was a etc. nature like his that caused the word etc, to be coined .
135 He was a sybarite ( who loves the good, ‘ always pleasant” life,) a voluptuary,
A hedonist. He was an admirer of both … the sublime ( the beautiful , the magnificent, the inspiring ) and the ridiculous .
136.Was seldom moody, and was always particularly expansive.(willing to talk ,jovial 137 With an infectious ( affects feelings of others ) zest for the most unusual things.
138. Has a madcap ( reckless, not caring) sense of humor
139.Is an impetuous ( acts on impulse, suffers consequences )but is a likable fellow.
140. He has a personality which projects itself to all etc,ists, and conquers almost all of the other ists. He is a master of the art of etc.
141. Is generous of heart, with an appetite for etcing; he is full of life, .
142 He is handsome and humorous, with an open and winning personality.
143. In a soft polite drawl he would say,” My dear. You are beautiful.”
144.A benign,( gracious, as well as of gentle disposition ) , bemused (lost in thought ) attitude.
145 A placid, ( calm, serenely free of disturbance )good-natured gentleman who etc.
146. A veritable (absolute, genuine, true ) well ( abundant supply ) of good humor, contentment, ) which seems to overflow with h.h. appearance.
147With half-suppressed mirth ( laughter, happiness joy ) he would lie back and relax as he talked and talked and laughed and laughed., often till tears fell. “There is nothing like a good old belly laugh to cure the ‘heebiegeebees “ he would croak.
148. He was an unassuming (modest. no airs, unpretentious ) charming, ingenuous ( honest, artless, free of guile, innocent, sincere ) young etc.
149.He was now more composed (not agitated or distracted, in his demeanor ( mien ),
150. Was warmly disposed to spending quiet moments dabbling with his( hobbies ) 151 He was gentle, well-mannered and universally liked
152 . He was the soul of graciousness( affability, kindness ) and humility (meekness )
153.She conveys the aura if a tender, selfless sort; remarkably enough, that exactly what etc is, . Serious, thoughtful, and willing.
154. X, is something of a prankster, who takes delight in etc,
155 Without pomp ( show of splendor, display ) or melodrama, ( extravagant theatrical show ) he would regularly invite etcetc.
156 His manners are excellent; his atitudem retiring an e is patiemt, painstaking and good natured .
157 He has a rather unassuming air. a quiet soft-spoken, self-effacing (modest ) mien .
158, Of unusual charm, and with an innate ( seemingly born with ) modesty, gentle, considerate, and venerable , ( deserving respect because of age and attainment )
159, A etc of grace, dignity, and stoic ( show no pain or emotion ) courage., she could etc without a doubt.
160 She was soft-spoken and polite, and with an appetite for the art of etc.
161 He was a etc man, urbane ( polished, finished manner ,) always proper, polite, learned, and with a certain natural refinement about him
162 Always anxious to please and to be friendly , nothing uncouth (lacking polish, poor taste, clumsy, , awkward ) about him.
163, He is a careful, thoughtful, studious youth who etc.
164 He is sincere , modest, magnanimous ( forgiving, noble of feeling, , generous, ) wholly unassuming; evev humble.
165. He is effortlessly charming, always conventional (traditional ) an almost an immediately likable gentleman .
166. A delightful , vastly interesting, tremendously popular raconteur. ( speaker)
128 TO 166 ©
129. With a genius ( outstanding talent ) for telling stories and with a memory of unequaled fidelity .
130. Warmth, conviviality (sociable, friendly likes people ) and willingness bubble out if her.
131.Refreshing as a thousand new brooms in a cobwebbed garret.
132 Spontaneous ( instant action, response ) and outgoing ( sociable . Cheerful )
133.With no money, no intellectual ability, no etc, but with oodles of charm, he etc.
134. It was a etc. nature like his that caused the word etc, to be coined .
135 He was a sybarite ( who loves the good, ‘ always pleasant” life,) a voluptuary,
A hedonist. He was an admirer of both … the sublime ( the beautiful , the magnificent, the inspiring ) and the ridiculous .
136.Was seldom moody, and was always particularly expansive.(willing to talk ,jovial 137 With an infectious ( affects feelings of others ) zest for the most unusual things.
138. Has a madcap ( reckless, not caring) sense of humor
139.Is an impetuous ( acts on impulse, suffers consequences )but is a likable fellow.
140. He has a personality which projects itself to all etc,ists, and conquers almost all of the other ists. He is a master of the art of etc.
141. Is generous of heart, with an appetite for etcing; he is full of life, .
142 He is handsome and humorous, with an open and winning personality.
143. In a soft polite drawl he would say,” My dear. You are beautiful.”
144.A benign,( gracious, as well as of gentle disposition ) , bemused (lost in thought ) attitude.
145 A placid, ( calm, serenely free of disturbance )good-natured gentleman who etc.
146. A veritable (absolute, genuine, true ) well ( abundant supply ) of good humor, contentment, ) which seems to overflow with h.h. appearance.
147With half-suppressed mirth ( laughter, happiness joy ) he would lie back and relax as he talked and talked and laughed and laughed., often till tears fell. “There is nothing like a good old belly laugh to cure the ‘heebiegeebees “ he would croak.
148. He was an unassuming (modest. no airs, unpretentious ) charming, ingenuous ( honest, artless, free of guile, innocent, sincere ) young etc.
149.He was now more composed (not agitated or distracted, in his demeanor ( mien ),
150. Was warmly disposed to spending quiet moments dabbling with his( hobbies ) 151 He was gentle, well-mannered and universally liked
152 . He was the soul of graciousness( affability, kindness ) and humility (meekness )
153.She conveys the aura if a tender, selfless sort; remarkably enough, that exactly what etc is, . Serious, thoughtful, and willing.
154. X, is something of a prankster, who takes delight in etc,
155 Without pomp ( show of splendor, display ) or melodrama, ( extravagant theatrical show ) he would regularly invite etcetc.
156 His manners are excellent; his atitudem retiring an e is patiemt, painstaking and good natured .
157 He has a rather unassuming air. a quiet soft-spoken, self-effacing (modest ) mien .
158, Of unusual charm, and with an innate ( seemingly born with ) modesty, gentle, considerate, and venerable , ( deserving respect because of age and attainment )
159, A etc of grace, dignity, and stoic ( show no pain or emotion ) courage., she could etc without a doubt.
160 She was soft-spoken and polite, and with an appetite for the art of etc.
161 He was a etc man, urbane ( polished, finished manner ,) always proper, polite, learned, and with a certain natural refinement about him
162 Always anxious to please and to be friendly , nothing uncouth (lacking polish, poor taste, clumsy, , awkward ) about him.
163, He is a careful, thoughtful, studious youth who etc.
164 He is sincere , modest, magnanimous ( forgiving, noble of feeling, , generous, ) wholly unassuming; evev humble.
165. He is effortlessly charming, always conventional (traditional ) an almost an immediately likable gentleman .
166. A delightful , vastly interesting, tremendously popular raconteur. ( speaker)
Sunday, May 5, 2013
215 TO
216, He transports one to worlds which one could never hope to see, and which delight one’s most etc.
217 He sheds considerable light on the etc.
218. He is a true etc ist, particularly eligible to write about etc.
219 He vividly evokes ( summons up, calls forth ) places, scenes, experiences etc, which one has etc.
220. He tells us everything we have ever wanted to know about being etc. and about etc.
221 He is strongest when on the subject of etc, and is most authentic when revealing the etc.s of etc.
222.He will have a etc. impact (forceful effect, striking ) on the devotees of etc. 223. He admirably captures the joys, the hopes, and of the frustrations of etc.
224 Who sees whole worlds of etc, through wide-angled eyes, and is able to
( see writer’s verbs ) a complete picture of etc.
225 He presents a striking montage ( several pictures blending into one composite picture) of -istic scenes which contrast the frustrations and agonies of a writer’s poverty of ideas, with the fervor, the elan ( vigor, enthusiasm, verve, liveliness of the imagination,) and of the indescribable, smile-filled delights of one who has suddenly found etc.( reputedly Hemmingway, in a Key West bar, also saying “ It’s like sipping the finest of elixirs ( cure-all potion,) ( smirk!, shrug! Could be . ) Ego trip)Met Ernie, shook hands ,also Tennessee Williams (Steetcar Named Desire) Believe it or not, in a church. ( a wedding),Spent thirty two delightful winters on Cudjoe key.( indescribably happy, smiling times, scribbling, scribbling, scribbling )
226. In ( him,) one senses a poet and a fantasizing person, whose thinking cuts through the obvious mechanics of assembling and presenting the inner meanings of etc, but one who has etc.
227 Having appraised( placed value, estimated quality ) he then turns to the etc etc, and expresses in the most dramatic way ( as in a play, of human conflict ) possible, the sense of personal contact and involvement with etc.
228. He is admirably prescient( with foreknowledge ) and tough-minded about etc. He reveals acts, and etc.s, which, otherwise would have remained obscure.
229 He has the capacity to make one believe the unbelievable, or to accept the unacceptable .
230 He is continually fascinating and steadily enlightening,
231. In stretches of dialogue ( conversations of the characters) bordering on the poetic, and the philosophical,( of deep questions of life, morals, truths etc,) the reader is led into a world of etc.
232. He has written an entrancing ( which fills one with delight and wonder, enraptures ) and edifying ( which informs and educates. ( see book pos. )
233.He demythologizes ( removes myths, and fiction, without cloying ( excessively sentimental, mawkish ) etc.
234He is correct in his perception interpretation of etc, as x has explained etc.
235He thinks clearly and rationally.
236 In the telling of this ( see book metaphors) h.she, touches us ( effects emotions ) with h.h. generosity and empathy ( of another’s feelings )
237. H,H account of etc. rings hauntingly true.
239He captures the essence ( inner qualities ) of etc.
240. His talent for vivid description ranges from etc to etc ( see superlatives . ) 241. His characters are drawn with considerable tact (skill in dealing with people, fit, right, proper,) and delicacy; they are informative and perceptive .
242. He succeeds in creating a time and a place and a people, that ring true.
243.He inspires reflections ( to think about) on the implications ( hints at, suggestions of, intimations ) that etc.
244 He has given us a believable, thorough, and beloved picture of Mr, and Mrs X and their complex talents.
245.Whether it be about etc, or about etc, or about etc, he places X’s thoughts, writings and reactions in their proper context ( in their true sense, real condition,) and when doing so, gives us a satisfying picture not only of a etc. talent, but of a world which allowed that talent to exist.
246 He throws a bright light upon a dark chapter in X’s life
247 He has a sure grasp on human psychology .
248, In one scene, he takes us deep into the labyrinthine ( confusing network of underground passages, as burial sites, and intricate paths ) of the mind of etc.
249. He tells the story of a man who overcomes the etc, hurdles put in his way by his very own etc weaknesses, his etc. habits of etc. etc.
260 He admits the reader to the (see superlatives ) , most (see superlatives,) center of the etc. universe etc.
261 He tells the story of a man who overcomes the etc hurdles put in his way, by his very own weaknesses, drugs, drink etc.
262.He, in sharp portraits captures the issues, and personalities of an era which etc.
263 In etc, he renders the drama, the violence, the tragedy, the excitement of etc .
264 He has a sure feeling for the subtlety ( crafty artifice, wily sneakiness ) of X’s character.
265 He approaches the subject like few other writers , ( see style )
266 H.her allover vision is always clear and h.h. eye unflinchingly ( never distracted, ) ranges across the entire etc of the etc.
267. His grass roots (upbringing) of urban ( of city, local lifestyle ) life, in which he has studied is inspiring and etc.
268 He tells us, largely through experiences of Z and Y what transpired ( occurred)
269 He as a perfectionist, makes it crystal clear in this erudite volume that etc.
270 With this detailed ( see book metaphors) our cravings for etc, is appeased.
271 He has marshaled and created some interesting statistics, and files of technical information on the subject.
272, He provides the ambiance (typical atmosphere or mood ) of the etc era.
273 He is such a consummate (writer, artist) that each scene or every character, in his book, comes to life, beautifully.
274.He is especially good at evoking the pleasures of the etcist’s life.
275 He in etc detail, etc,ly addresses the desperate need for. . Etc
276. His descriptive powers rank with the past masters.
277 He is dazzlingly knowledgeable, with the knack for rendering detail.
278.He traces the evolution (stages of development,) from the earliest etc, to (etc.)
279. He is an extremely talented writer, whose extraordinary gift lies in his ability
to understand the intricacies of the human mind, and to be able to explain etc.
280. The breadth ( extent, largeness comprehensiveness ( including all ) of X’s knowledge is extraordinary .
281, He knew these etcs intimately, and has captured their personalities in brisk colorful stokes.
282. He takes us into the etc. system as few others have.
283. He opens the doors to previously unexplained , enigmatic ( hard to understand) procedures in the art of etc.
284.He turns what might have been a collection of dry academic ( of classical , scholarly, literary ) facts into something very interesting.
285.He allows the facts, as established by his research to speak for themselves. They do, loudly and clearly.
286.He has a remarkable gift for figures of speech, (use of the metaphor or simile)
287. He writes from the perspective of on who has ’been there’.
215 TO
216, He transports one to worlds which one could never hope to see, and which delight one’s most etc.
217 He sheds considerable light on the etc.
218. He is a true etc ist, particularly eligible to write about etc.
219 He vividly evokes ( summons up, calls forth ) places, scenes, experiences etc, which one has etc.
220. He tells us everything we have ever wanted to know about being etc. and about etc.
221 He is strongest when on the subject of etc, and is most authentic when revealing the etc.s of etc.
222.He will have a etc. impact (forceful effect, striking ) on the devotees of etc. 223. He admirably captures the joys, the hopes, and of the frustrations of etc.
224 Who sees whole worlds of etc, through wide-angled eyes, and is able to
( see writer’s verbs ) a complete picture of etc.
225 He presents a striking montage ( several pictures blending into one composite picture) of -istic scenes which contrast the frustrations and agonies of a writer’s poverty of ideas, with the fervor, the elan ( vigor, enthusiasm, verve, liveliness of the imagination,) and of the indescribable, smile-filled delights of one who has suddenly found etc.( reputedly Hemmingway, in a Key West bar, also saying “ It’s like sipping the finest of elixirs ( cure-all potion,) ( smirk!, shrug! Could be . ) Ego trip)Met Ernie, shook hands ,also Tennessee Williams (Steetcar Named Desire) Believe it or not, in a church. ( a wedding),Spent thirty two delightful winters on Cudjoe key.( indescribably happy, smiling times, scribbling, scribbling, scribbling )
226. In ( him,) one senses a poet and a fantasizing person, whose thinking cuts through the obvious mechanics of assembling and presenting the inner meanings of etc, but one who has etc.
227 Having appraised( placed value, estimated quality ) he then turns to the etc etc, and expresses in the most dramatic way ( as in a play, of human conflict ) possible, the sense of personal contact and involvement with etc.
228. He is admirably prescient( with foreknowledge ) and tough-minded about etc. He reveals acts, and etc.s, which, otherwise would have remained obscure.
229 He has the capacity to make one believe the unbelievable, or to accept the unacceptable .
230 He is continually fascinating and steadily enlightening,
231. In stretches of dialogue ( conversations of the characters) bordering on the poetic, and the philosophical,( of deep questions of life, morals, truths etc,) the reader is led into a world of etc.
232. He has written an entrancing ( which fills one with delight and wonder, enraptures ) and edifying ( which informs and educates. ( see book pos. )
233.He demythologizes ( removes myths, and fiction, without cloying ( excessively sentimental, mawkish ) etc.
234He is correct in his perception interpretation of etc, as x has explained etc.
235He thinks clearly and rationally.
236 In the telling of this ( see book metaphors) h.she, touches us ( effects emotions ) with h.h. generosity and empathy ( of another’s feelings )
237. H,H account of etc. rings hauntingly true.
239He captures the essence ( inner qualities ) of etc.
240. His talent for vivid description ranges from etc to etc ( see superlatives . ) 241. His characters are drawn with considerable tact (skill in dealing with people, fit, right, proper,) and delicacy; they are informative and perceptive .
242. He succeeds in creating a time and a place and a people, that ring true.
243.He inspires reflections ( to think about) on the implications ( hints at, suggestions of, intimations ) that etc.
244 He has given us a believable, thorough, and beloved picture of Mr, and Mrs X and their complex talents.
245.Whether it be about etc, or about etc, or about etc, he places X’s thoughts, writings and reactions in their proper context ( in their true sense, real condition,) and when doing so, gives us a satisfying picture not only of a etc. talent, but of a world which allowed that talent to exist.
246 He throws a bright light upon a dark chapter in X’s life
247 He has a sure grasp on human psychology .
248, In one scene, he takes us deep into the labyrinthine ( confusing network of underground passages, as burial sites, and intricate paths ) of the mind of etc.
249. He tells the story of a man who overcomes the etc, hurdles put in his way by his very own etc weaknesses, his etc. habits of etc. etc.
260 He admits the reader to the (see superlatives ) , most (see superlatives,) center of the etc. universe etc.
261 He tells the story of a man who overcomes the etc hurdles put in his way, by his very own weaknesses, drugs, drink etc.
262.He, in sharp portraits captures the issues, and personalities of an era which etc.
263 In etc, he renders the drama, the violence, the tragedy, the excitement of etc .
264 He has a sure feeling for the subtlety ( crafty artifice, wily sneakiness ) of X’s character.
265 He approaches the subject like few other writers , ( see style )
266 H.her allover vision is always clear and h.h. eye unflinchingly ( never distracted, ) ranges across the entire etc of the etc.
267. His grass roots (upbringing) of urban ( of city, local lifestyle ) life, in which he has studied is inspiring and etc.
268 He tells us, largely through experiences of Z and Y what transpired ( occurred)
269 He as a perfectionist, makes it crystal clear in this erudite volume that etc.
270 With this detailed ( see book metaphors) our cravings for etc, is appeased.
271 He has marshaled and created some interesting statistics, and files of technical information on the subject.
272, He provides the ambiance (typical atmosphere or mood ) of the etc era.
273 He is such a consummate (writer, artist) that each scene or every character, in his book, comes to life, beautifully.
274.He is especially good at evoking the pleasures of the etcist’s life.
275 He in etc detail, etc,ly addresses the desperate need for. . Etc
276. His descriptive powers rank with the past masters.
277 He is dazzlingly knowledgeable, with the knack for rendering detail.
278.He traces the evolution (stages of development,) from the earliest etc, to (etc.)
279. He is an extremely talented writer, whose extraordinary gift lies in his ability
to understand the intricacies of the human mind, and to be able to explain etc.
280. The breadth ( extent, largeness comprehensiveness ( including all ) of X’s knowledge is extraordinary .
281, He knew these etcs intimately, and has captured their personalities in brisk colorful stokes.
282. He takes us into the etc. system as few others have.
283. He opens the doors to previously unexplained , enigmatic ( hard to understand) procedures in the art of etc.
284.He turns what might have been a collection of dry academic ( of classical , scholarly, literary ) facts into something very interesting.
285.He allows the facts, as established by his research to speak for themselves. They do, loudly and clearly.
286.He has a remarkable gift for figures of speech, (use of the metaphor or simile)
287. He writes from the perspective of on who has ’been there’.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
154 to 215 ©
Listed as prompts, or- one of hundreds -- of ‘ seeds’ of ideas for those who eventually ’must’ write a superior book report,…or else. …, shall be forced to bow out of the picture.
Armed with ‘The Infuser’ a few years in advance, and a ‘ boob’ will wind up ’ ’ Smelling like a ROSE.’
Fifty, ‘example’ introductory paragraph prompts shall also be available.
154,He touches explicitly ( clearly, obviously, definitely ) upon X’s life etc.
155. He presents a detailed account of etc. including the complex ( involved, complicated, ) perplexing ( difficult to understand ) lives and problems of etc. which etc.
156 His perceptions, ( powers of observation ) and his etc acumen
( sharpness of mind) in the etc, profession , are the reason for his etc.
157,. Etc, is his specialty , and with etc. he combines it with his etc. adventures,
158. He deals with the subject without evasions or euphemisms ( words which avoid offense or resentment,
159. He makes detailed, erudite ( very knowledgably, because of study) provocative ( causes thought, perhaps annoying ) impassioned ( incites much emotion ) defense of the etc. charges which etc.
160 He offers brief vignettes ( descriptive literary sketches, ( see’book ‘ metaphors, similes, clichés, tropes and analogues…hundreds) interspersed (scattered here and there.)with many of the talks that he has had with etc.
161. To elucidate ( clear up, make plain, throw light upon ) his own conclusions, he has collated ( composed in detail , put pages in order) responses from X and Y.
162, His claims are fleshed out or substantiated ( proven true ) by quotes by X and etc,.
163. He seasons ( adds spice to ) his work generously, with excerpts of etc, and educates us intermittently with explanations of the symbols (emblems which express tenets( beliefs which are held by some as truths) and of the trends and idiosyncrasies ( certain peculiar behaviors , actions )
164 He scrupulously ( is exact and punctilious , fastidious ( concerned about fine details ) marshals his evidence and presents the pros and the cons at key points. Then he buttresses ( adds support, as a brick wall ) his argument with facts such a etc.
165 He has gone to great, painstaking lengths in documenting ( providing proof in writing ) for this ( see ‘book’ metaphors ) etc.
166 He clearly defines the gap between myth and reality in this ( see superlatives ) see ‘ Books ‘
167 He draws upon his own experiences and the observations of X , and in the putting together ( see superlatives ) what is essentially a dry subject .
168. He has the ability, and the evidence to hold forth ( continue forward with claimed truth and discussion ) on the subject of etc.
169 He is versatile, ( has ability in several fields) as an orator, capable of giving stirring speeches, or writings about affairs of the heart, as well,
170. He holds a witty ( with humor. ) oblique, (indirect, slanting to one side ) point of view .
171. He covers the field: politics, sex, romance, art, music, education, and so forth.
172 He examines the direction into which etc. is heading .
173 He studies the feasibilities (possibilities of realization or success of etc.
174. He forces one to rethink the question of etc.
175 He reports sympathetically on the plight (unfortunate condition ) of etc.
176, He evaluates ( determines worth , appraises) the merits, of etc. and the benefits of etc.
177.He aspires to retell, in etc language , comprehensible to the layman ( who has no special knowledge ) the story of the evolution ( formation, growth, and development)of etc. from the earliest etc, to the most recent etc.
178. He brilliantly, intensely, cogently ( which compels belief ) convincingly and powerfully argues for etc.
179 In nattily (neat and fashionable, elegantly) stitched phrases, he reveals etc
180. He aspires ( hopes to ) to refashion the timeworn system of etc.
181. He has a rich and ardent ( intense feeling, fiery glow, passion ) imagination
182. He is a protean ( versatile, able to change style or form, or manner) writer or raconteur ( story teller, speaker )
183.He,essentially, as a researcher, ( methodical investigator, ) studies past events.
184. He is a prolific ( produces much, in abundance writer of etc, etc and etc.
185. He has the eye of a master realist ( who portrays things as they really are. )
186. He exudes ( slowly emits , oozes ) intellectual power and has a sure grip on the essential etc. of the subject.
187 He is eminently ( very, to a great degree ) qualified to tell the story of etc., because of his etc, experience of etc.
188 He writes from the status ( position, place, standing ) of an erudite ( of learning ) fan of the art of etc.
189.p He is a judicious ( wise, good judgment ) scrupulous ( moral, careful, upright ) and painstaking in his search for the truth about etc,
190, He has done a good deal of industrial research, having spent much time etc,
191. He explains that he has written this (’see books ) not as a ( witch hunt etc ) but as one who is intimately involved in uncovering etc.
192 He is grudgingly considered to be, by all critics, as the highest authority etc.
193 He is adequately armed with a thorough knowledge of etc.
194. He is fundamentally, basically, essentially an etc, observer of etc, and a qualified etc.
195. He has his finger on the pulse of the etc, world.
196. He has established himself as something of an expert on etc. or a commentator on etc, and other issues.
197. He is perceptive, to the point of genius.
He possesses an innate (present from birth) gift to create.
198 A etc source of creativity, a philologist, ( study of texts, language) capable of presenting artistic expression )
199 He leads us to the Arcanum (inner secrets known to a few, mystery ) of the etc, mystique ( puzzling. mysterious quality, desirable, enigmatic reasons.) of etc.
200.He has a etc. gift for apposite ( suitable well-adapted, applicable ) quotations and allusions ( indirect references to, )
201. He is a master of the literary genre (of the arts, writing, painting acting etc.)
202 He has developed a deep love for etc.
203 His long experience and his depth of knowledge, etc. afford him ( equip him) to offer advice about etc.
204. He regards his work as a labor of love, and as the most etc.
205.This work demonstrates A’s awareness, not only of etc, but of the need for etc.
206 He is one of those rare etc,ists who can write absorbingly, not only for the avid ( keen, eager, enthusiastic ) etcist, but also for the neophyte ( beginner, newcomer .)
207. He has attempted to etc. and his passion ( intense emotion, for ) ets absorbs ( engrosses, fascinates, interests ) and informs us of the etc.
208 He makes a persuasive and moving case for etc,
209 He presents an analytical,( methodical, logical, systematic) but, non-the-less edifying( provides knowledge, educates ) portrait of a maverick (independent thinker, rebel, one of a kind , dissenter) who refuses to etc,
210, He is especially informative about etc.
211 He provides an entertaining and instructive example of etc with his ( see adj, pos,) new ( see book metaphors)
212 He has played an outsized ( extra large sized) role in the development of etc.
213He has made a ( see superlatives ) contribution to my understanding of etc.
213. He has managed to communicate, in etc. detail, the pain and suffering, discomfort, and frustrations of etc , as they etc.
214 He has recounted ( tells the story ) the charges, both true and false, of etc,
215. He has reviewed the whole gamut ( the whole range of anything) of etc. which followed X’s rise and fall in the world of etc, .
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