Folder fifty one. #1 to 75 of 200 ( Annoying, ignorant, obnoxious )
Fathom, if you will, why, over the past twenty years, so many intellectuals, savants, and pundits have suggested : “ That wise ones refrain from ever,- ever- discussing the contents of this folder with their spouse, with their friends, or with their
possibly thin- skinned , opinionated relatives.”
Egos,- yours and theirs,- are unpredictable.
! He thinks that he is God’s surrogate. ( substitute, alternate. )
2 A pompous ( self-important, haughty, vain) functionary( official, bureaucrat.)
3, Always assured, sometimes to point of arrogance. ( conceit ,with contempt )
4. A conniver (manipulator, schemer. ) bent on self-promotion .
5. A member of that etc, art, which is infected with poseurs.(affected, insincere frauds .)
6 With an overweening ( arrogant, excessive, pompous ) pride.( self importance, vanity)
7.A etc, voracious (hungry gluttonous) ego(self-esteem ,) which demands to be fed.
8. With the ego-motivated behavior of a popular etc, star.
9 Has an ego matched only by h,h, huge physical bulk, and h.h. etc. propensity (tendency , penchant) to always assume the role of an authority on any subject.
10. He has, with his assumption of etc. power, developed an arrogance, which, they say is common to all charlatans (makes false claims )
11. Is like a dictator with a lust for power.
12 There is a certain hauteur (arrogance, haughtiness, distain)in his façade (appearance)
13 Who gives the impression of one who’ knows it all,’ but who is actually one who etc.
14. An applause-gathering celebrity who revels in the encomiums(glowing praises and applause of the crowd. )
15 A etc, who is a shade too opinionated, and who has a monumental vanity. (pride) .
16 .A self-appointed, self-anointed (self- blessed ) leader.
17 A bit of the know-it-all syndrome ( group of symptoms.)
18 Is prone to preach, and pontificate ( deliver oracular forewarnings )
19. The dynamics ( force, surge, ) of power wielded by a small-minded, egomaniacal (of a self-preoccupied ) person in search of momentary prestige ( esteem, fame. etc).
20 Has the manner of one who whose commands are instantly obeyed.
21 With the air of one who deems himself better acquainted with the subject than anyone else , and who refuses to listen etc.
22 Urbane (showing sophistication, polite, suave ) , yet arrogant and alternately brash (self-assertive) and smiling : an unmitigated ( complete,) ( utter, absolute) pompous ( self-important ) oaf (clumsy , ignorant )
23 To assuage (relieve pain or unpleasantness ) his enormous appetite for etc. he is driven to seek relief in etcing.
24.He is an owlish, bearded, typically bland (vapid, uninspiring ) bureaucrat (office holder. ), a feisty ( full of energy, quarrelsome ) controversial etc, who has an all-consuming ego.
25. A self-styled arbitrator ( judge, mediator )who performs with much éclat . (ostentation, showy, pretentious, affected, much publicity)
26 Aware of his undeniable superiority, he revels ( takes great pleasure. ) in the praise and flattery of his sycophants ( fawning flatterers).
27.Brash ( impetuous, lacks restraint ) from the first, he is a know-it-all, steel-willed etc, who is wrong most of the time. 28. Narcissistic( in love with self, vain ,essentially a loner )
29. A vain ( excessively proud) petulant( sulky, ill tempered. peevish ) brat.
30.Seems always to be enveloped in an air of superiority.
31 Is well-endowed with a sense of his own importance.
32 There is a maddening certitude( sureness, confidence, assurance ) about him.
33. He ignores those who disagree with him.
34. Is too sure of himself; too positive in his opinions .
35. He evinces ( shows clearly, demonstrates) a strong tendency to assume the role of etc,
36, Acting as though he had divine ( heavenly) guidance and sanctions ( authorization )
37 He is self-assured and domineering ( bossy, overbearing , interfering) with absolutely no regard for one’s etc
38. He has an inflated sense of his own importance.
39, His success affords him a degree of pomposity (self-importance ) that etc an others find difficult to accept.
40,His air of “ I told you so “ arrogance, coupled with self-righteousness, complacency, ( self-satisfaction, )and self-justification, is galling (exasperating, , frustrating , )
41. Who speaks with the conviction that he is the spokesman for the Almighty, is beyond tolerance.
42 He has an unappeasable need for self-aggrandizement ( glorification, enhancement )
43 He has a patronizing ( superior, belittling, denigrating ) attitude toward etc.
44. Who thinks of himself as the cynosure ( center of attention ) of the whole world.
45.His election gave him a colossal, swelled head. He and they envisioned him as etc.
46, Arrogantly autocratic, ( ruling with unlimited authority.)
47 He is with pretensions (subterfuge ,posing, posturing ,hopes) to indispensability.
( needed, necessary, required )
48.His precocity ( natural qualities from an early age, precocious from childhood. ) led to his being a victim of his very own smugness. ( conceit, arrogance, haughtiness.) 49.An aloof,(remote manner, cold, reserved, arrogant )personality .
( Almost every novel will feature a character with one or more of these prompts.)
50.He has an inflated sense of self-importance.
51 He evades responsibility by responding with a certain sense of nonchalance, ( air of easy unconcern, indifference, ) bravado. (pretense of bravery, ) and flamboyance (being showy, dashing display )
52. Blithe, (cheerful, happy care-free, casual, ) and posturing( assuming an attitude ) , he was in fact , evading the question.
53. Her hubris ( exaggerated pride, self-confidence, boasting,) is unbearable.
54. A vain, strutting fool. Like a peacock, he reveled in the superficial glory.
55. Like the reembodiment of Hitler, but with less compassion.
56 Seemed to believe that the good lord had places him here to take charge and to straighten things out
57 He was the personification of the devil himself, parading his beliefs with pharisaical,( hypocritical, self-righteousness ),
58. He has now grown heady ( exhilarated, invigorated, giddy ) with power,
59. He is a know-it-all who seems to harbor a distrust for the rest of the world.
60. He exudes a sense of superiority to everyone, even to his supervisor.
61. One whose enormous physical girth was matched only by his overweening (pompous, excessive, conceited ) ego.
62 He was promiscuous ( chooses without discriminating , unrestrained ) with advice.
63 The recurring pattern of the self-appointed authoritarian ( one who is strict and demanding obedience, dictatorial ) is forever present.
64.His penchant ( tendency, inclination ) for vulgarity makes him persona non grata . (unwelcome ,unacceptable person .) ( See Speech. Voice. Two hundred prompts.)
65.He is fond of hearing himself talk; he is a snob and a social climber .
66, Her favorite, most pleasing sight is merely a mirror away.
67 He is reeking with self-interest.
68. She acts as if there were no other one, and nothing else in the world, except herself, and the beautiful universe .
69. He is intensely absorbed with himself .
70 His vanity does, indeed, stand out; he is flagrantly( scandalously ) fond of himself.
71 His with a life-long conviction that he is the only one on this earth with the correct answers and solutions to life’s problems.
72 His passion, ( ardent affection , intense feelings of compulsion) for personal recognition is all-consuming. It affects him like a wonderful exhilarating potion.
73 He is the ’ I’ll take charge of everything type.’
74.He is prone to wearing an expression which suggests that he seems to be smelling, or sniffing a bad odor.
75. Speaking as though he were bestowing a gift upon the audience.
Friday, May 17, 2013
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