93 landscape fraught( excess of full of )with misery. Etc.
94 An astringent ( caustic, severe comments styptic ) view of .
95. The work ( see book) drips with gruesome scene of etc.
96 Then there is the nagging bothersome question of ETC ?
98 It is a slow soliloquy( appearance of talking to oneself)
99.Does not purport(claim to be) a definitive ( final account ) of the process of etcing.
100. It is a massive indictment( formally charged ) of ,not only Y, but also of X .
101 One may wish that A has been more expansive ( more detail ) on the subject of x.
102 There is an odd absence or any information about etc.
103 There is a mincing ( affectively delicate, dainty ) and evasive ( of avoidance ) discussion of etc.
104 There is a succession of etc, bizarre (out of ordinary, sensationally incongruous, seemingly improbable, anecdotes .
105, A recapitulation of all of the exploits and etc, in X. etc.105
106 A (see book ) seemingly told in a flat, matter-of-fact monologue,
107.A parody ( A ridiculous imitation ridicule ) of family etc.
108. A ridiculous etc of unwarranted conclusions,
109 knee-jerk response to ( uncontrolled response no thought )
110 Of material taken out-of-context.( irrelevant phrases meanings )
111 Has a sobering ( causing seriousness awareness
112A montage ( set of scenes, pictures ) of unsupported statements, half truths and suppositions,
113 It is marred by a superficial coverage of important etc.
114 A long complex narrative It purports to be an accurate record of etc , but etc.
115, A non-scholarly narrative,
116 a fallacy,( deceptive appearance guile,) now widely current
117. An egregious ( conspicuously bad ) example of etc.
118 Imaginative speculation.
119 Hyperbolic tendencies ( extravagant exaggeration )
120 Divagations (Of wandering about ) \
121 An uncompromising ( no agreement ) polemic , aggregative dispute, refutation of opinions, 0
122 Neurotic ( Occasionally unstable ) introspective ( of self examination as of thoughts ) outpourings ( writings )
123 A ;painfully honest commentary >
124. It is flawed by excessive etc, sentimentality
125 A poignant ( deeply affecting the feelings ) story based onact which follows a etc. as flees from etc he
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