Sunday, May 26, 2013

TRANSITION S.T.U. …… and IDEAS. For opening paragraphs

323 A study of etc has proven that et,c Imagine that you had to write a five hundred page essay

324 Suffice it to say, on the story of ‘ The Three Little Pigs,

325, Etc suggests that, etc

326Suggestive of etc., which brings to mind

327 A summary of ec. Short version. Of

328 Surely, without doubt certainly

329 Surprisingly, something unexpected.

330Synonomous with, closely significant, ,same

331 The solution is etc. finding of answer.


332, The important thing to etc’

333The essence of x’s argument is

334 The issue is clouded by etc.

335 The fact that etc clearly answers the etc

336 The intent of this report is to etc.

337 Then a miracle happened

338 The upshot of this . Final result

339 This, then is etc

340 Then began an interesting interlude,, e ents

341 Thenceforth from then on.

342There can be no doubt about etc.

343 Thereby, by this fact, connected with

344 Therein. Contained within this

345 Thereof. Of that subject.

346 Thereupon At that moment,

347 Though. Although, however,

348 The case of etc, is interesting

349 To everyone’s surprise,

350 To no surprise etc

351 These ,and similar phenomena etc.

352 A thronging , extremely efficient.

353 This all goes to prove etc.

354 This writer (I) is aware of etc

355 Throughout, for the duration,

356Thus, In this way, manner,


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