Sunday, May 26, 2013


123. From all evidence, one must etc.

124 But the fact of the matter is etc.

125 There are factors which,… other influences

126An important factor etc.

127 Finally, etc. ,.. in conclusion

128, The following are etc.

129 For all intents and purposes. Reasons

130 For example, .. As an instance illustration

131 For instance, ..explanation, example

132 Frequently, ,.. Often.

133 From this humble etc beginning, etc

134 Furthermore,,.. In addition to, also


135. Generally speaking,

136 Under the guise of,.. Deceptive appearance.

137 Graphic details,…vividly detailed

138 Granted, ,… Although it is true,

139 Give, or take, within a range, just about.

140 Generally .speaking.,.. on the whole, vaguely

141One generalization etc. sweeping statement


142, Hardly any, not likely,.

143 Hence, ,… consequently,, for this reason144.

144 Henceforth, from then on

145 Hereinafter, later written in this document.

146 Heretofore, before this time,.

147 Hereupon, When this happened,

148 Herewith,.. Starting here, now

149 Historically, viewed . In retrospect,.

150 Hitherto,.. Before this,

151 How then, does one etc.?

152 However Yet, . , not withstanding



153. I believe that etc.

154 Ideally, theoretically perfect.

155 If we assume etc.

156 Imagine for a moment that etc.

157 Implied, in this etc is inferred as fact

158 Implicit,… not stated, but understood.

159 The impact of this etc. strong effect.

160 Important factors to be considered are etc.

161. In addition to etc,,… also.

162 Indubitably,,…not to be doubted.

163 Inevitably,.. something certain to happen.

164 In the forefront, At the start. Lead position.

165, Jn the year 1900 ec.

166 In addition to etc.

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